Chapter Five: Early Beginnings

Start from the beginning

"I am so confused," Fred and George say in sync.

"Wait a minute," Arthur says. "A while ago did you say something about a war."

"Er-" said Albus. "No?"

"You did. Sirius, Lupin, Mrs. Weasley, do you know anything about this. I mean none of you look that surprised," said Hermione.

"They told us some things earlier. They are not to be discussed right now," Remus said closing the matter.

"You never tell us anything!" Ginny says frustrated.

"Why don't we eat?" Molly suggests.

Fred, George, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny groan. For weeks they've been wanting answers, but no one would tell them anything.


Once every was eating Bill said, "You know I haven't really introduced myself. My name is-"

"We know who all of you are," James says simply.

"I'm guessing you know us in the future," Fred said.

"Yeah," Roxanne said awkwardly.

"Okay I can't stand it anymore," Lily says. "Remus, can we just tell them who we are?"

"I guess. I mean, I wouldn't but we can always obliviate them," Remus said.

Ron dropped his fork, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you talking about obliviating us?"

"Well, you see, dad," said Hugo, "like we said, it's a long story."

Ron froze then said, "Did you just call me 'dad'?"

"Yeah I did," Hugo said proudly. "My name is Hugo Weasley, I'm thirteen, and I'm in my third year at Hogwarts."

"I'm a dad," Ron said shocked over that fact that he actually had children.

"Yep," said Rose. "And I'm Hugo's only sister, Rose Weasley. I am fifteen and I am in the same year as you and mum I guess."

"Who is your mum?" Ron asks in bewilderment .

"She's sitting right next to you," Fred II said laughing.

"Tonks?" He asked looking to his right.

"No you bloody idiot, Aunt Hermione," Roxanne said.

"Roxanne, I know that you're only a year younger than him, but be nice to your uncle," Victoire says to her cousin.

"Oh my God!" He yells.

"I think I am going to be sick!" Hermione says, "I end up with Ron Weasley!"

"Well, wait until you find out who some of our parents are," Rose said looking at James, Lily, and Albus. She knew that Ginny's brothers would be shell shocked that their little sister married Harry Potter and had three children with him.

"Well, who are the rest of your parents?" George asks.

"I can tell you that my name is Fred Weasley and that I'm your son," He addressed George, "I am sixteen and I'm in my sixth year. And I'm the awesomest beater Hogwarts has ever seen. Er- sorry you two."

"And I'm his sister Roxanne Weasley. I am fourteen and I'm in my fourth year, obviously. And by the way, Fred has a way too big ego. The first game he ever played landed him in the Hospital Wing for a week because he hit a bludger straight up at the other team's seeker, which caused the seeker to fall off his broom bringing Fred down with him. 'The awesomest beater Hogwarts has ever seen' is not as awesome as he claims.

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