Chapter 8: Something Special

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You know, maybe the Valentine works, or not. Maybe its before that. Thanks for reading mah story UwU
Anyway, Imma do this, she wanted to be tagged UwU
Anyway, I made the decision, to not kill anyone! It's Valentines after all~! Have fun reading.

Y/N PoV~~

Its Valentines Day! Im actually really excited. Nightmare was very nervous the last days, maybe he has a Balentine already? Im not so sure yet, he told me no one liked him at the town he lived at. I don't know where he lives now, but I'm kinda scared, that he has a Valentine. My feeling for him only grew more the last days. He's just so adorable, I'm not sure if I can date him or anything though... I'm thinking too far anyway, I'm sure and I know, that he's actually a real person, I know he exists. Maybe it works out... Im gonna ask him today.

As I walk, I see Moon on the way. He's having a fight with Regina, I wonder what she's up to. "Morning Moon, whats going on here?" I ask him and he looks at me. "Oh, don't worry, we were just about to tell you, that he is my Valentine and you can p!ss off." "NOT TRUE!" Moon instantly screams after Regina said that. I look at Regina, having this 'Really' look on my face. "Go away! You aren't allowed to toy with us, remember?" Moon says and Regina rolls her eyes and leaves with Dexter. 'This is gonna be a long day, a lot of girls are crushing (you know, like a crush crush, not crushing anvil like-) on Moon... No wonder about how he looks."

~??? PoV

I ain't letting that stupid cat taking away my little Y/N... he knows what's going on, I can feel it. I can also feel the fact, that he isn't what he says he is... there is something else, something stronger. I already gave a warning, it will be the last before getting that stupid cat... or whatever he is...

~Moons PoV~

Im already getting a bad feeling, what if Regina's gone next? Who will that demon take after her? Who knows how Regina is gonna leave us? I still wonder... Y/N said that her parents died... She doesnt know herself why though... Its a bit... weird. I need to find out more! Its also strange, I thought of some more motives, other than %#$;$€&%... but I just can't find any... I'm spacing out, we still have school. There's probably a special event, like the last years. They will probably bring another person here, a speacial guest or something. Only one way to find out!

~your PoV~

Moon makes me a gesture to follow him, getting away from Regina.  "You know, in our school is always a special event during Valentine's Day!" Moon says happily. "There's gonna be a fortune teller, or love guy, I dunno. He's here every year! Since you haven't been in school during Valentines, I heard, I thought it would be nice to say!" He's right, I always stayed home during Valentines... Why? I don't like people, always talking about how much they love someone. It doesn't take long, that they break up or something. Maybe cause of cheating, or falling out of love, most likely cheating. I just don't like it. We are almost at school and oh my god...

There are roses everywhere and its decorated with hearts and more. The principal is crazy...

(Picture coming soon, probably in mah arts)

Help, its too much! We finally reach Moons locker, once he opens it, thousands of Valentines letters fly out of it, pushing him over. I start laughing, seeing that similar to anime. Its hilarious! I help Moon get up and we sort out the notes into a box, we can read them after class, during lunch time, maybe. After Moon has his stuff, we walk to my locker. I open it and see only one single note on the bottom. Its in the shape of a rose, that looks really pretty.

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