Chapter 6: The Competition

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Hoi! I actually have lot of time to write the story, because of Covid. So here I am, I know you had to wait very long, but I have a reason! I made this story out of fun and coz I wanted to share my story idea. I also have a little problem, I cant keep saying, killing every two chapters. So now I will probably kill every chapter now. TwT. Welp, so so sorry for that. Have fun reading!(?)

I slowly sit up, Moon sits beside the bed, why did he have to fall asleep though? And, who bought me here. Nurse Ann (Me: Anyone who knows this? No? Just me? Ok, sorry... btw, this isnt really my character, thanks to the someone, who made her)

 btw, this isnt really my character, thanks to the someone, who made her)

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"Oh, you're awake. Moonlight, get up.", she says, Moon wakes up and stands now beside her. "Who bought me here?" I need to know that. Was it Star?
"It was Amy. She's in charge of the competition. She's also the leader from the dancing club. She said she walked in and saw you bleeding and passed out on the floor. So, she got Moon and together they bought you here." Ann explained, Moon says something too: "I was walking in the hall, where she came out of the bathroom, panicking, she saw me and asked if I could help her." Thats good to know. I hope I can thank her, sometime.

"That mustve hurt! Are you alright?", Nightmare asks, worry in his voice. "Its alright. Im fine. I hope I can thank her sometime. Well, I guess I wake up again, sadly." I say and here a muffled 'Goodbye' from Nightmare.

Next day in school

Now, Alchemy. We have a new teacher, he's a skeleton.
"Hello class, I'm Mister Gaster and will be your new Alchemy teacher, since the last one... you know what happened. (Me: The last teacher was the person who got shot by the intruder)"
Mister Gaster, huh? Intresting name. "We will make potions today. They won't be dangerous. You follow the steps on the paper that I will give you and drink the potion afterwards. You will then writedown what this potion does. It will last 3 days, write yoir days down and what happened. I will take them, when they're finished and give you a grade on it." That doesn't sound that difficult. He gives everyone a sheet of paper and then we need to make the potions.

-Finish da potions-

We finished the potions. Now, eyes shut and go for it. The potion tastes very sweet. I write down that I dont feel any difference at first. Suddenly, its kinda getting very hot in the room. I lay my head in my hands, because its getting dizzy. Moon sits beside me, I hear his voice fainted. Its not easy to understand. When it finally stopped spinning I look around. My body is still very hot, thats probably cause of the potion. I look at Moon, his eyes are suddenly in a different colour, his eyes are dark blue right now. Is he worried? I think so. "Hey, Y/N, you have tiny pink hearts in your eyes.", Moon states.
"You're eyes are in a different colour.", I have to say him something else. His eyes change to a white colour. "They are?" "They seem to change their colour with your mood. Now they are white. When you were worried about me they were in a dark blue.", Moon instantly writes that down on another sheet of paper. I do that aswell, I need to get a mirror to see if Moons right about the hearts.

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