Chapter 75 - Endeavors Plan

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It was the day of the meeting and I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach thinking about if Dabi was lying. I continued to have nightmares of that kiss with Dabi or my father wanting to see Haruto, so a good sleep was almost near impossible.

Dani had just come back from her honeymoon too and was now put right in the middle of this danger because of me.

We stood outside the Endeavor agency as other hero's made their way inside.

"I can't believe all this went down, I was only gone for 2 weeks and we find out the leagues about to do something big!" She said as I got the door for her.

"Yeah it's been a crazy couple of weeks." I said letting out a sigh.

This wasn't really a lie, I met my dead dad who wants to meet my son, kissed Dabi and still hadn't told Hawks about it and now might be leading the hero's into a trap and endangering the students at UA.

We followed the crowd into the large meeting room. We walked to the far corner and stood with Fatgum, Tamaki and some other hero's.

"Where's Hawks?" Dani asked as she leaned against Fatgum.

I tilted my head over to the front of the room. "His inner fanboy got the best of him and he just had to help Endeavor." I chuckled rolling my eyes.

Had to admit hawks looked super hot up there though.

The room started to quiet down as Endeavor stood forward to speak.

"Thanks everyone for making it in today. We've received some intel on the plans that the league have. Next Friday 8pm at UA." His voice boomed through the room.

Small chatter broke out in the room as I felt Dani lean forward onto me and whisper in my ear.

"Isn't Kaminari still at UA?" Dani asked remembering back to our little intern.

I nodded looking back at her with a worried expression.

"We will secure the students in their dorms while we send half of our forces to wait for them to strike at UA. The other half will be near the city on standby. I'll need everyone no matter where you are stationed to be ready to move at the drop of a hat. If we encounter any nomu aim to kill, we can't waste our time trying to capture them." Endeavor loudly yelled across the room for everyone to hear.

I could see Dani's face drop out of the corner of my eye, she was worried.

"Next Friday morning we will meet back here and I'll split us into a city and a UA patrol group. We will start patrolling right away to try and gain the upper hand on them. Until then, stay vigilant." Endeavor said dismissing us all.

"Yikes, It's a bit low of them to strike at UA." Fatgum said giving Dani's shoulders a squeeze.

"Yeah, lucky Endeavor was able to get that intel though. I wonder how we got it." She asked looking up at him.

I turned to look at the two love birds, I needed to keep Dani out of this fight but I knew she wouldn't listen to me.

"Hey Dani, I think I heard someone call you. It might have been Ryukyu!" I said looking around the room for the dragon hero.

Her face lit up and she quickly pushed off Fatgum walking off to find Ryukyu.

Once she was out of range I turned to Fatgum. "Psst Fatgum." I said cupping my hand over my mouth. "I have a bad feeling about this fight, I think Dani should sit it out. Just given what going on... you know." I said hinting at the whole pregnancy thing that was still a secret.

He nodded and let out a sigh. "Yeah, your right. I'll try and talk to her tonight."

I gave him a smile. "Thanks, she'll listen if it comes from you." I laughed.

We all made our way out of the Endeavor agency. I said goodbye to Dani and Fatgum as they left while I waited out the front for Hawks.

"Hey babe!" I yelled as I saw him walk out of the building.

He looked over and smiled when his eyes met mine. "Aww you waited for me." He said flopping his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

I giggled snuggling into his chest. "Always."

We flew back home together softly landing on the balcony.

"Beat ya." Hawks said touching down first.

I chuckled. "I wasn't even racing you, otherwise you would have lost." I said flicking my hair.

Hawks paused when he got to the door swiftly putting his arm out to stop me from walking any closer.

My heart sank.

He slightly opened the door and sent in a few feathers. I reached out and grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze. He turned to face me with a worried look.

His silence was killing me and I struggled to catch my breath when all of a sudden he spoke.

"Someone's here." He said softly.

"Hawks, Electra please come in!" A mans low voice said calmly from inside the house.

Hawks cautiously opened the door and we walked in.

My mum was sitting on the couch in tears with Dabi sitting next to her in a relaxed position with his hand on her leg. My father was holding a crying Haruto in one arm and gently touching his amber wings with the other.

"You better hand him over now!" I yelled rushing past Hawks to stand in front of my dad.

He turned his body so Haruto was further away from me. "I'm just bonding with my grandson (F/N)" he smirked.

I looked past him to my mother who was sitting behind him with Dabi still firmly grasping her leg.

"And you, you pervert get your hands off my mum!" I yelled as you could start to hear the panic in my voice.

Dabi chuckled and released his grip on my mums leg. "I suppose I would be lying if I said the thought didn't cross my mind."

Eww ...Is he for real...

Hawks decided to chime in. "What are you both doing here? What do you want?" He said flatly.

"Is it a crime to want to spend time with my grandson?" My dad asked still trying to get Haruto to stop crying. "Looks like he's got your fierce wings and my daughters electricity quirk. He'll make quite an amazing hero or villain one day." He said feeling the zaps from his tiny feathers.

I pulled my mum off the couch and moved her to cover behind me. Her body was shaking behind me as she grabbed onto my back. Dabi got up to stand in front of me as Hawks squared up with my father.

My father handed over Haruto to Hawks and walked to the balcony. "Come on Dabi, time to make our exit." He chuckled.

Hawks had already soothed Haruto as he went from a cry to a sniffle in his arms. Dabi took another step closer to me and leaned into my face.

"Better watch you back princess, you never know what's lurking around the corner." He warned as he ignored hawks walking to the balcony.

Mum was shaken but she was okay. When I looked on the balcony they were gone. Little did I know that would be the last time I saw my father or Dabi until the big day.

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