Chapter 55 - Ready or not

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Dani walked over to the bed with a cup of tea placing it on table next to me near a deck of cards we had just been playing.

"So whats the first thing your going to do once you have the baby?" She asked.

I was sitting up in the bed wriggling my toes under the sheets. "Hmm I dono, maybe like walk to KFC or something." I laughed, kinda jokingly. "Nah, maybe go on an actual date with Hawks." I said nervously.

"Did you two never even go on a date?" She laughed taking a sip of her own tea.

I paused and thought for a moment. "Well there was that time when we did a job together and ...." I started to say before Dani cut me off.

"Work doesn't count! I mean like a proper date!" She said with a more serious tone.

"I guess not, we hung out at each other's places and did ugh things." I blushed thinking back to when we confessed our feelings to each other.

"Yeah no kidding, your pregnant." She laughed. "Okay well how about after the baby's born Fatgum and I will watch him while you two can have some mummy and daddy time." She said with a wink.

"Imma hold you to that Dani." I laughed picking up my own tea to take a sip.

"Have you two got any names picked out?" Dani asked with a big grin.

"Not yet, we haven't been able to find one we both like." I said awkwardly. "Would you be able to pass me my slippers please, I wanna get up and stretch my legs." I said stretching my arms above my head.

"Sure thing," Dani said grabbing my slippers and moving them in front of the bed for me to put on. "Do you remember that time we got called into work at like 2am to raid a villain base and you forgot to change out of your slippers." She giggled as she recalled the memory.

"Oh god, I still haven't lived that down with some of those hero's." I laughed. "What made it worse was that I still hadn't noticed till someone asked me why I was still in them at the raid." I sat over the edge of the bed and slipped my feet into the slippers. "That was so embarrassing ."

"It wasn't as bad as the time we were both singing [your favourite song] on that roof top while patrolling and someone came up to tell us to be quite." She said shaking her head.

"Ugh that was pretty embarrassing too. What about when we saved that old lady and she's like," I said before Dani joined in.

"Thanks Power Rangers." We both said in sync together in an old lady voice.

"Yeah then we kept calling each other the Power Rangers for the rest of the day." Dani laughed as she helped me up out of bed. I laughed with her but managed to cough a bit in the process.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" She asked sitting me back down on the bed.

"Yeah he's just in a bad spot I think." I said uncomfortably.

I coughed a bit more holding my hand over my mouth.

"Maybe I should call Hawks." Dani said concerned.

I looked over to the feather on the table next to me. "It's okay really, I'll be fine." I said trying to get up again with Dani's help.

"Mmmm okay." Dani said cautiously helping me up again.

I awkwardly waddled into the kitchen and stopped to rest at one of the kitchen stools.

"Hawks place is really nice," Dani said following me looking around.

"Yeah, I was pretty happy when he asked me to move in." I said with a slight chuckle beginning to cough again. "Ugh, yeah he's in a really bad spot. I think he's under my ribs again." I said crouching over in pain and wrapping my hands around my stomach.

"Okay that's it, I'm at least calling your doctor," Dani said running to grab her phone from the room.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach that made me scream. "DANI!" I yelled out to her. I continued to cough and fell to the floor until I started to cough up blood.

She quickly ran back to me with her phone up to her ear. "You have to hurry, she's in lots of pain and is coughing up blood." She said dropping the phone when she got to me.

"Dani what's going on?" I gasped clutching at my chest.

Dani places her hands on me and controlled the bleeding. "It's your lungs I think they have been punctured." She quickly hit her phone on loud speaker so the doctor could hear.

Thank god for Dani's quirk.

"We are 5 minutes away, please control the bleeding as much as you can until then." The doctor said on the phone staying on the line.

I was in so much pain and I was just trying to think straight. "Hawks, I need to call him." I barely managed to say.

"Already done," Dani said when I noticed she was holding his feather in one of her hands.

Only a few moments later Hawks lands on the balcony and rushed inside. "Is she okay Dani?" He said in slight panic.

"She's in a lot of pain." He could barely hear Dani over the screams. "I've controlled the bleeding but the ambulance and her doctor are on their way here."

"Right, I could just fly her. It would be way .." before hawks could finish his sentence I let out a blood curdling scream.

"NO FLYING!" I yelled between the screams.

Hawks turns to Dani and gives her a shocked look. He crouched down beside us and helps hold me up. "So why was she coughing up blood?" He asked her worried.

"I don't know, i think her lungs have been punctured but it's hard to tell." She said still pressing her hands on my chest firmly.

The ambulance and doctor finally arrive together and I could hear them coming through the door.

They started attaching all sorts of machines to me. Dani kept her hands in place to keep the bleeding down.

"We need to put her on the bed now so we can take her to the hospital." The doctor said to hawks.

"I'll lift her on." Hawks insisted as he carefully lifted me and gently placed me down on the stretcher.

"Is our baby okay?" I asked looking over at the doctor out of breath.

"I'll be able to see more once we get you to the hospital." He said with a half smile.

I turned and looked back down at my stomach and couldn't help but think the worse. Hawks must have sensed this and held my hand.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." He said with a smile.

"I'll meet you at the hospital." Dani said removing her hands after the doctor had asked her too.

We were rushed out of the building into the ambulance and went straight to the hospital.

I was about to have this baby, whether I was ready or not.

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