Chapter 40 - Top 10 Conference

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A few days had passed and it was finally the day of the top 10 hero press conference. Needless to say I was not looking forward to this. Hawks was going straight after his shift with the league so I was on my own. My mum messaged me wishing me luck for the day and boy was I gonna need it.

My publicist had also message me saying she was going to meet me there. I promised I wouldn't be late this time.

I got ready had some breakfast and was super early when I left.

I didn't want any distractions so I decided to run along the building roofs to get there.

I was about 3 blocks away when I heard someone scream.

"Help me! Please someone!" The scream came from the next street over in the opposite direction I was heading.

Ehhh I should probably check it out just in case.

I head over looking down into the street alley and see a lady backed into a corner with 4 men surrounding her. Upon closer inspection I notice a man in a top hat and coat and recognise him from the other night with Dabi.

"Oh these assholes again." I said out loud to myself.

I look around and don't see any other hero's in the area. I mean there's always time for a quick rescue besides these guys were pushovers. I jump down from the top of the building landing in between the lady and the thugs.

"Oh shit I thought you said the hero's wouldn't be out here." One of the thugs said.

"Now what's with all the commotion over here." I said acing the landing.

"Oh thank god," the lady yelled behind me. "They we're trying to kidnap me please help me." Her voice was shaken.

I look over at the lady as she collapsed to her knees in fear.

Man these thugs really did a number on her. What quirks did these idiots have again?

Then suddenly a vine whipped past me to grab the lady behind me.

"I don't think so," I said grabbing the vine and pulling it forward so the man creating it came flying towards me with a grunt.

The lady behind me screams loudly attracting the attention of some police nearby.

I kick him to the ground and let off a flashy zap to his chest to knock him out. Hopefully if I make it look more dramatic they won't remember me from the other night.

That's right the other had smoke and a knife? Maybe he didn't show off his quirk.

I zap myself over to the one that did the smoke from the other night, fat lotta good it was gonna do him in the day light.

I flip him onto his back and quickly knock him out. Suddenly the thug with the knife appeared next to me, maybe his quirk was super speed.

The knife managed to slice my cheek , I grabbed his hand with the knife and twisted it out. I sent another flashy zap through him knocking him out.

Finally the top hat guy was the only one left. I never saw his quirk either he just ran.

He stood there in shock and took a few steps back.

"You have got to be kidding me." He said looking at his fallen men.

"Freeze!" The police yelled from behind him.

He easily surrendered and the police cuffed him and the other 3 that I had knocked out.

"Thank you so much," the lady behind me said still shaken up. "You ... you saved my life."

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