Chapter 22 - Following a lead

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I knew at this point if I lied he would see straight through it.

"Okay, before you get mad... I took this with me." I said as I pulled out the feather he gave me the other day and wave it in the air.

He laughed and folded his arms. "Fat lot of good that's gonna do ya if I'm asleep."

"Ohhhhhhh, yeah I guess that's true." I said thinking more about it. "Okay so I was following a lead and I found out some information!"

"Oh yeah?" Hawks said looking seriously less than impressed.

"So you know how you mentioned the league was in control of the liberation army?" I said placing a hand on my chin.


"Well I ran into this kid with a knife and..." I started my story before I was rudely interrupted.

"So not only did you sneak out last night even after Endeavor told us to not go after the league on our own, you ran into trouble too." He clicked his tongue and shook his head at me.

"I'de hardly call this kid trouble, he could barely form a sentence. Anyway let me get back to my story." I snapped back at him. "So this kid pulls a knife on me and asks for my wallet. When I easily disarm him he ratted them out saying he needed to complete this in order to join the liberation army."

"So they are trying to bolster their numbers." Hawks turned his head deep in thought.

"Anddddd it gets better! Then the pro hero muscular comes over which I had assumed was to arrest the boy. The boy then freaks out and apologised to muscular asking for another chance." I said pretty impressed with my new found information.

"What? I knew a few hero's were involved but I didn't realise they had so many, and using the hero's to recruit is actually pretty smart." He gave me a half smile.

"See I found a clue didn't I?" I walk over and nudge Hawks as I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah you still went out by yourself in the middle of the night." He said rolling his eyes. "Why did you go? When I came to bed you were dead asleep." He asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh just had a bit of a nightmare. Can't really remember it." I blush thinking back to the horrible dream I had about Dabi.

"Next time wake me up yeah." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah okay." I said snuggling into his chest.

"Your gonna be late by the way." Hawks said still holding onto me. "It's almost 6." He laughed not letting me go.

"Shit you have got to be kidding me!" I struggled to get out of the bear hug he was giving me and quickly get ready.

After I was ready I rush to the front door and see Hawks waiting by the balcony.

"If I fly ya you won't be late." He winked and held his hand out.

"Fine!" I say defeated. "I suppose your slightly faster than me." I walked over to him and and grabbed his hand.

He laughed as he picked me up and jumped off the balcony.


He landed us in front of my agency and set me down.

"Thanks babeee," I said slowly letting go of him as I gave him a wink. His hero shirt shows so much detail on his body, his muscles and .... wait am I drooling.

"You thirsty for me huh?" He said with a seductive tone as he wiped his thumb over my mouth.

"What? No I'm just sleep deprived." I say pushing his hand away from my mouth.

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