Chapter 74 - Second Guessing 🍋

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I walked out of the leagues base and was about to message Hawks when I spot him over at the side of the building.

"You really let him get to you, don't ya." I said walking over to him.

He turned around and looked surprised to see me. "Your back quick." He said suspiciously.

I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulders. "I know their plan, lets go." I smiled.

"He told you?" Hawks asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep sure did, I just asked." I lied.

"And he told you, just like that." Hawks frowned.

He can totally tell I'm lying.

"Come on we need to tell Endeavor. We don't have time to stand here and argue." I said pulling his arm.

He twisted his arm out of my grip and let out a sigh. "I still have some work to do here, you go and tell him what you found out. I'll meet you at home later tonight." He said trying to smile.

I really hope Dabi didn't lie to me.

I quickly flew off to Endeavors to fill him in.


Endeavor tapped his fingers over the desk as he thought. "Your sure it's UA?" He questioned.

I have a villains word, he wouldn't lead me astray right...

"Well kinda, I'm also worried I was just told this information because they think I'm a spy. It would look really bad if we all turn up at UA and nothing goes down." I said with a sigh.

"What makes you think it might be false? Who told you the information?" Endeavor asked.

Because I had to kiss Dabi to get it ... ehhh

"Just a bad feeling I have. Dabi told me, but I fear he's got ulterior motives." I said as my cheeks blushed slightly.

"I suppose we can't ignore it though. Is it still a few weeks away?" He asked taking down some notes.

"Yeah, Hawks is still trying to gather more information too. Hopefully we can get a better idea on their numbers now too." I said worrying about Hawks slightly.

Endeavor stood up from his desk and walked around in front of it. "Thanks for the heads up Electra, I'll gather everyone next week and we can discuss our options."

I gave him a smile and headed off home.

Mum and Haruto were already sound asleep as I crept in from the balcony. I ran myself a bath and sunk into it as I mulled over today's events.

Great so that was 100% my dad, he knows I have a son and wants to meet him, plus he probably wants to see mum and on top of that I kissed Dabi and lied about it to hawks.

I sank down in the bath covering my mouth with the water and blew bubbles.

And I might have just given false information to Endeavor....

I let out a sigh blowing more bubbles into the bath. I lay in the tub for a while trying to forget about everything for one moment when I hear the door open.

"Got room for one more?" Hawks said cheerfully as he walk into the room.

I smiled and moved slightly to the side. "Sure do babe. You sound a lot happier than before."

Hawks removed his jacket and shirt dropping them to the floor. "You bet, I got some more info from Twice tonight. They've made a heap of new nomu they are planning to release when they attack. That's their distraction while they aim for the real targets, remember they said they would strike while we were weak?" He asked removing his belt.

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