Chapter 30 - Doctors visit

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I sit down on the seat in the back of the van slowly catching my breath. Man he was heavy.

"Great work there number 6." Dabi said rubbing my back. "You didn't kill him did ya?" He laughed.

I let out a small laugh. "No, he just wanted to play 20 questions with me and I didn't have the patience for that." I said holding up my hand and creating an electric charge in between my fingers.

"I like your initiative kid." He said as he slipped his hand up my back and pinched the back of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine and I shifted so that I was facing him breaking his grip.

"You know I'm with Hawks? Right?" I asked seriously. I know he was just getting a rise from pushing my buttons... asshole. I could feel myself involuntarily blush slightly.

"Yeah," he said walking over to the seat opposite me and sitting down. "We'll see how long that lasts." He laughed kicking Franco to see if he had woken up.

The rest of the trip was awkwardly silent and we quickly arrived back at the base. I wonder if hawks noticed I didn't take that feather. Just then Dabi grabs Franco and takes him out of the van.

"Go get your hero costume and meet me outside that room."he grunted as he picked Franco up.

I started walking to the room. I looked at the ski mask in my hands, did I really just break someone out of prison. I collect my hero gear and put it in a backpack I found in the room putting it over my shoulders. I stood outside the room waiting for Dabi.

I felt like shit after running that dead weight through the prison. Maybe I had pushed myself. I looked around for a clock to try and see what the time was. Maybe I was hungry.

"Feeling hungry?" Dabi said walking over. He must have dropped Franco off.

"Not really." I lied. "Can I go see Hawks?" I asked looking at the people around the hall.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, you'll see him again soon." He chuckled walking off gesturing me to follow. "Maybe."

I reluctantly follow and realise he had lead me into a bar. Man what I wouldn't kill to have a beer.

"Beer?" Dabi asked.

"I'm good, not much of a drinker." I lied again. I can't have a drink while pregnant.

Dabi laughed "Your not pregnant are you?" He grabbed a beer and went to sit down at a table.

I let out a huge awkward laugh. That was so over the top. I was physically sick to my stomach at this point. "Ugh excuse me for a sec." I said walking towards the bathrooms.

I manage to get into the cubical and open the toilet before vomiting in it. I quickly flush the toilet and open the cubical to see if anyone heard that. Luckily I was the only one in there. I splash some water on my face and walk back to the bar when I see Hawks standing next to the table Dabi is sitting at.

"Oh don't worry Hawks, I've been lookin after your girl for you." Dabi said slyly.

"Oh I'm not worried about you, trust me." Hawks said looking around. "Where is she?"

"Yikes I don't think I wanna know what you two are talking about." I laughed as I walked over to the table.

"I'm getting another beer." Dabi said getting up and walking to the bar.

"You can't drink you know," Hawks whispered to me. "Because your preg...."

I kicked him in the shin before he was able to finish his word. "I know I don't have one!" I whispered loudly.

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