1 | pt. 3 : we only see each other at weddings and funerals

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"How long were you there?" Luther asked, his arm remaining in the air.

"Seventeen years," Five hypothesised, raising his eyebrows, "Give or take."

Luther and Diego sat down, dumbfounded. "So, what are you saying? You're thirty-five?" Luther blurted out.

"No," Five smiled sarcastically at the man in the green coat, "My consciousness is thirty-five. Apparently my body is now eighteen again."

"Exactly like Y/n." Diego noted, glancing over at the girl, again.

"No, not exactly like me. I don't time travel, Diego. And I'm still physically a year younger than him." Y/n mumbled, while Five frowned.

Luther shifted in his seat awkwardly and Five finished making his sandwich. He also made a mental note to discuss the topic with her later on.

"How does that even work?" Vanya asked, her question directed towards the boy who had moved away from the table.

"Delores kept saying the equations were off." he explained, biting into his sandwich, and tilting his head as he pushed away the thought, "Bet she's laughing now."

"Delores?" Y/n queried, her face vaguely downfallen.

She wasn't sure whether it was a girl, boy, man, or woman, but Five would've had to have interaction throughout the years he had been in the future. Though, to Y/n, the name definitely sounded like a feminine one. But where exactly is she?

Disregarding her question, he picked up the newspaper that had been folded on the table. "Guess I missed the funeral." Five announced.

"How'd you know about that?" Luther said, frowning at him.

"What part of the future do you not understand?" Five quipped, squinting at Luther, though he regained his posture, "Heart failure, huh?"



Vanya sighed and Y/n crossed her arms. Diego looked at Luther in annoyance. She rolled eyes eyes, gesturing to each person except for Five and Luther. "Monkey-man is convinced it was patricide. Specifically directed towards the five of us."

The action earned an intense glare from Luther. For more reasons than one. Though, no one took the beginning of her comment to any thought.

"Glad to see nothing's changed." Five added as he began to walk out of the room, though he halted in front of the h/c-haired girl.

"I think we need to talk, too, Y/n. I'll explain some things in somewhat detail, I-I guess." he gazed down at her anxiously, biting the inside of his cheek in guilt.

She sent him a quick nod and a small, reassuring smile to indicate everything was all right, which seemed to relax his tense body.

The Hargreeves adults watched the scene play out in utter bewilderment. How could Five be so cold one second, and so affectionate the next? Five held out his hand, to which Y/n gladly accepted. The duo continued on out. It was like they never separated.

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" Allison asked in annoyance, rotating around to face them.

"What else is there to say?" Five called back as he exited the kitchen with Y/n, "It's the circle of life!"

"And you're not going to explain anything to us?" Allison exclaimed.

"Nope!" he shouted, though the distance made it quieter.

The adults at the table sat astonished. "Well.." Luther trailed off, blankly, "That was interesting."

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☂ | disastrous | five x reader | TUATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang