Chapter 1: Vacation

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Aboard the Kebenaran spaceship...

Gopal: Yay! I can finally eat my mother's curry!!!

Fang: Good thing. Did you know that...YOU BROUGHT UP THE TOPIC OF MISSING YOUR MOTHER'S CURRY FOR 572 TIMES???😡😩😭

Boboiboy: Huh? How did you count it all??😮

Fang: Instinct.😑

Papa Zola: We are arriving!

Everyone: Yay! [Spaceship lands and opens it's doors]

Tok Aba: Boboiboy!

Boboiboy: Tok Aba! [Hugs each other] I miss you so much!

Mr. Kumar: Gopal! My son!

Gopal: Curry! I'm coming for you! [Zooms pass his father]

Mr.Kumar: ((Again????))😶😑

Tok Aba: Come Boboiboy! I've got something special for you! Sit down and close your eyes!

Boboiboy: Okay!

Tok Aba: Open your eyes! Ta da! Behold! The Special Boboiboy Hot Chocolate!

Boboiboy:  Waaah! How did you make the foam in the shape of my face??!!😶😍🤩

Tok Aba: Last week, I missed you so much that I accidentally put the foam in the shape of your face! I thought that I could surprise you by doing it again so I practiced until I perfected the technique! Try it! I used special GOLDEN COCOA BEANS to make it!

Boboiboy: Thanks! Smells delicious. [Bends over to pick up the cup] (Zwoosh!)

Gopal: [Snatches the cup away] (Slurrrrp!) Oui! This is delicious!

Tok Aba and Boboiboy: WHAT???!!!😱😱😱

Tok Aba: I specially made that for Boboiboy!!!😭😭😩😩😡😡 Come here you!

Boboiboy: To think that I could drink the hot chocolate of my life...😭😭😭

Tok Aba: Kumar, take away Gopal's curry and give it to Boboiboy!

Gopal: NOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boboiboy: My elementals must miss Earth. Boboiboy Hepta-Split!

Thorn: Yay! We're back! Where's my favorite hibiscus plant? Did you take care of it, Tok Aba?

Tok Aba: Of course I did! It is over there!

Thorn: Wow! It's so big now!

Solar: Hey! There is some black smoke coming toward us! ([Solar has eyesight 10x better than average])

Thunderstorm: I don't see it! Where?

Solar: That direction! It's coming fast!

Cyclone: I see it!

Blaze: Blow it away!

Cyclone: Cyclone vor- ahhh!

Ice: T-he  Win-dd  is  so  str-o-ng! (Whooosh)

Thorn: I  ca-n't  se-e  at a-ll!

Blaze: M-e  to-o!

Narrator: Unknown to them, the elements' power watches are letting out sparks and are buzzing...

Cyclone: Cyclone Vortex! [Counters the wind with his power]

Everyone: Woah! [Drops to the ground]

Vacation! OR MAYBE NOT? (Boboiboy fanfic) [On Pause]Where stories live. Discover now