Chapter 1

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Smash! Another weird creature had hit spiderman. I stood there unsure of what I should do. Also hi I am lilly Charles. My parents were scientists and one day after a explosions of one of there amazing eventions they were killed it hit me too but the doctor were able to save me. I was seven. And soon after I found out it had given he powers. Yeah like I can do anything with my hands. Shoot fireballs. Making clothes appear. Make a knife appear anything. I kepted it a secret and for 5 years I've lived on the streets. And now I had just seen spiderman defeat what he thought was the last of the creatures attack him. But one was creating behind him with my hand I made a fireball at it and it squealed to the ground. Spiderman turned around. "Hey, how did you do that.. "he'd seen me that was not happening I ran.

He chased I flipped my hood up and used my hands to try block him with a wall but I couldn't see him anymore. Last time someone found out my powers all these scientists wanted to study me. He was infront of me now and used his Web to stop me from moving. "Hey little dude, what you just did was epic you saved me that was like a hero and you should know I'm a hero to  I wont hurt you". Wow just because of my height he thought I was little and he thought I was a boy SEIROUSLY using my free hand I flipped my hood down. Without being able to see his face through the mask I spoke. "OK spiderman what do you want then". "Umm well I wondered if you wanted to come with me and meet my boss. Tony stark and who you may know as ironman I see a avenger in you and I think he would too".

I agreed it was dark and we said we'd leave in the morning. He undid the web on my hand and swung me up onto a building. He asked if I was cold I scoffed "I've been throught this weather alot it's fine" I felt like I could trust him so I told him everything how I got this power, about the scientist and I showed him some of the things I could do I made him a iron man glove which worked he loved it. He then showed me what he looked like he had brown hair like me. Oh yeah what do I look like well I have lond brown hair. Green eyes. And I'm pretty short. Now back to spiderman so he had brown hair and eyes. I found out his name was Peter parker and he lived in Queens I told him my name.

I slept the night and then in the morning we left to go to the Avengers headquarters I was nervous but Peter said it would be OK. And OK it went.

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