"Well, if a patient denies the remediation you can't force them... It's up to their own will to live. You did anything you could as a doctor." he replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But she has so many possibilities to survive from this!"

"Many people don't see it like that... You can't know what troubles her in her mind..." she answered back lifting now his head so as to face the girl.

Elga just stood there biting her lower lip in thoughts.

The boy left a sigh escape his lips feeling the tiredness overwhelming him and stood up from his chair.

He went to grab a glass of water and took some sips of the transparent liquid, hydrating his body.

Some drops slipped from his lips and traveled down to his neck and chest, a scene that caught the girl's attention.

Her cheeks took a light pink blush, immediately forgetting whatever struggled her brain.

She was so focused on looking at those thick lips that a couple of days ago tasted hers that she didn't realize Law was glancing at her.

The girl swallowed her embarrassment in an effort not to make her blush even darker and turned her head looking beside her, avoiding the boy's eyes.

Then, the young doctor left his glass in the sink and walked inside the room until he was standing right in front of her.

Having carved a devilish smirk on his lips, leaned closer to her until his neck was inches apart from her face.

Elga having her eyes closed in an attempt to chill herself, sensed his presence by smelling the scent of his perfume, a combination of ginger and cinnamon.

She moved her head facing his neck as she was a bit shorter than him and widened her eyes in surprise.

Her body was trapped between his own torso and the desk so she couldn't move to escape.

Law just kept leaning closer and closer to her until the girl could feel his body's heat on her chest.

Elga's face became red like a beetroot looking at him while waiting for a second kiss to come.

Suddenly, Law reached a hand to hold a pen that was placed right behind the girl's back on his desk and then removed himself from her body.

He lifted his hand in order to show it to Elga and explain his innocent actions.

He placed it in his white apron's pocket and headed himself towards the exit of the room having a chill expression on his face, leaving a puzzled girl behind him.

*D-did he just teased me?!*, she thought sweatdropping and face-palmed herself.


Elga removed one of her patients' drip as it had finished and replaced it with another bottle that contained antibiotics.

This old man suffered of a huge burn of 3rd degree that covered a pretty big area on his chest and left shoulder and the wound got infected so she had to administer the strong medicine in order to anticipate the worse.

When she finished her work, wished goodnight at the elder patient having a kind smile on her lips and walked outside of the ward.

Law was waiting for her resting his body by leaning it at the room's doorframe and it was obvious that he tried hard to keep his tired eyes open.

"Are we off?" the girl asked and the boy passed her the backpack and coat.

She wore them and walked outside of the small clinic waving Dulcinea and Dr. Hashimoto behind them who stayed back as usual.

Give and Take (Trafalgar Law X OC) Where stories live. Discover now