Into The Face Of Danger

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Dabi's heart was pounding like mad, awakening his senses one by one.
His legs burned with a new living sensation like nothing he'd felt in years. The fire in his vains seemed to come alive, threatening to burst out of his seams.

Sure, he'd figured he would be followed on his way back to the hotel from his little exchange but he certainly hadn't anticipated what he would have to face-

You see, when he'd left, it was a clear night with a star speckled sky- not even a cloud or a hint at weather change had been there.
All was going quite well until he got two streets away from the sketchy old building he'd been in.

That was when this sickening fog had appeared.
It was, infact, so sudden that the villain had blinked and when his eyes had opened, the world was gray and moist.
This wasn't any ordinary fog though, it seemed.. thicker.. more cotton-esk and suffocating. It's overall density and breathability seemed to shift every few minutes though, so, it didn't worry him too much yet.

All had been fine for the most part but the entire winding course he'd taken to throw anyone off his trail he kept seeing shadows in the corners of his eyes.

The attempt of using his quirk to make it easier to see hadn't helped either- it had actually made everything much much worse.
When the flames had ignited, it'd made the whole world seem to go ablaze in a wild blue glow before the flames flickered and sizzled, struggling from the wetness of the air around them.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!
The thunder of footsteps all around grew deafening until Dabi no longer knew which direction they were coming from.
And just when he thought he was safe, he was proven terribly, terribly wrong.


Concrete went up in waves, sending shards of debris in all directions at once.
A sharp stinging sensation hissed along Keigo's cheek, making him grit his teeth.
Whatever was out there, it was dangerous and it was huge.

Just as he was about to step further, a wave of agony rippled out from his stomach and down his limbs.
He looked up, finding that it was a massive creature with twisting tree roots for a body. All was dark in it safe for six glowing eyes peppering its face.

Upon hitting the ground, he rolled backwards and back up to his feet, already prepping two feather swords.

The nomu-esk monster let out a ground shaking roar as it dove at him.
He barely managed to dodge, it's arm scraping his chest as he turned.
One thing was for sure: he'd have to be faster if he wanted to make it out alive.

The fog was swirling round and round with everything movement, only making it harder to focus on what was going on.

The way Hawks saw it, flying would only be a waste. This thing seemed to have decent vision and it was almost as if it had a connection with the fog. Flying in weather like this could also be confusing- the ground was far safer for now.

He rolled once more, sending a wave of feathers at the creature before him.
Finally, he caught it off guard, his feathers carving into its head.
Eventually it dropped to the ground, thick black substance leaking all around and soaking the concrete.
The fog slowly began lifting.

A familiar voice broke the overwhelming silence, crying out into the night: "who's there?!"
His knees grew weak as the initial kick of adrenaline wore off.
The blue glow of Dabi's flames were flickering into view as his voice grew louder.

"I'm here!" Keigo called out.

Before he even had the chance to hear a response though, he was jerked back by the wings.
He immediately shed the feathers as he'd been trained to do, but it was too late.
Another of the hulking creatures had him tight in its grasp, and it wasn't going to let go.


Dabi's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his lover's voice- fuck he needed him! He missed him!

He had him!

"Keigo!" He cried out, almost against his will.

That was when the fog just disappeared, leaving no evidence it had been there to begin with.
There, less than an American football field away, lurked a massive monster of concrete like flesh and coal burning eyes.

His heart dropped into his stomach upon seeing what was in its grasp- his little bird.

There was no way he was going to let that.. that thing take his whole world away!
With a newfound burst of energy, Dabi took off sprinting into the face of danger.

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