Blue Fire Everywhere

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Dabi let out a soft growl that sounded rather pathetic even to his own ears.
He backed up, hitting his back on the filthy toilet bowl.
Endeavor stepped forward, his face masked in shadow as he raised his fist.
The villain summoned flames in his hands, feeling the all too familiar sting around the staples in his wrist at doing so.
While he didn't want to have to fight right here and now, he wouldn't just lay here and let his father hit him again.
He was a grown man, and would protect himself as such would do.
If no hero was going to come save him, he would simply save himself.

Besides, who would care if a villain died scared and alone?


Master, I've seen her.
I have seen my sister.
It's only for moments at a time, but she has been there none the less.
Is this to torture me?
Was that really her? Like some weird ghost?
Or was that just my mind conjuring her?
Aside from my biological family, I keep seeing my real family too.
What's the point in that?
I keep seeing Kurogori getting arrested- but at Kamino.
But that can't be right.
Kurogori has been with us all this time after that- so why am I seeing it like that?
I keep seeing this boy too..
This red haired boy who looks a lot like Dabi- but he's a hero.
The Blue Phoenix..?
And Hawks... Hawks killing himself.
Dabi killing himself..
Jin never joining the league..
Me killing myself..
Dabi killing Hawks..
What does it mean?
Are these weird dreams, or are they something far more real..?


Hawks slowly peeled himself up off the sticky floor.
Blood rushed to his head, making the edges of his vision blacken.
Shit.. gotta get to Dabi.
He rose shakily to his feet.
The bathroom the former villain and the number one hero had run into wasn't that far from where he stood now.
It'd be a quick walk.
It'd be just fine.
The lights all around him seemed to stretch and swirl, making him stumble as he tried to walk forward.
A whiz of orange shot past his face, making him flinch back.
Hawks had expected to fall back on his ass but no, he fell against something solid and warm.
Taking a deep breath to steady his pounding heart, Keigo whirled, giving all his strength to an uppercut.
His fist made contact with a firm jaw, knocking the man's head back.
The hero winced as pain erupted through his hand and shot up his arm.
He quickly stumbled back before the hulking man could grab him.
After stumbling into the bathroom, Keigo collapsed on the floor, hitting his head on the bathroom floor tiles.


"Touya, don't," Endeavor said in a calm, low voice.
He hadn't meant to startle his son- really, he hadn't.
He had gotten worried that someone would simply recognize him as a villain from Japan and try to kill him when he'd run off the stage.
So, Enji had followed.
Perhaps he should have thought a little harder as a father on how the boy would react in his drunken state. His hero instincts had kicked in though and told him to follow the former villain.
Though, he had meant to comfort, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger at the rebellious attitude being portrayed by Dabi.
Even now, with bloody tears staining his cheeks, the dark haired man stood his ground. Blue flames flickered in his hands. Enji could feel the bite of their heat even from a few feet away.
He lowered the fist he had subconsciously raised, taking a deep breath.
He would not hurt this boy- no, this man- again.
Gingerly taking a step forward, Enji placed a hand on Touya's shoulder.
He flinched, his blue eyes shadowed by his black bangs. You could almost smell the panic rolling off him in waves.
"Touya, it's okay. I won't hurt you."
That only seemed to make him panic more.
Beads of sweat rolled down the former villain's face as he slowly extinguished his flames.
He dropped to his knees, hiding his face in his hands.
"Fuck off before I kill you." Dabi's voice shook and cracked slightly, sending a wave of pained guilt through Enji's veins.
The taller hero stepped back slowly, not wanting to startle him again.
Just before he could go to leave the stall, a loud thud sounded, followed by rushing footsteps.

nother thud sounded, this one closer and heavier sounding.


Dabi jumped to his feet and pushed past Endeavor, rushing out of the stall.
He stopped, staring down at Keigo's limp form on the floor.
His wings were sprawled around him as blood started puddling under his face.
My bird...
He dropped painfully to his knees beside the fallen hero, pulling his head into his lap.
"Keigo? Keigo please wake up!"


Blue fire.
Blue fire everywhere.
That was all that Hawks could see.
It was suffocating, taking all the oxygen away and making him choke.
The smoke was swirling all around in ominous patterns as if guided by some unseen force.
The heat was overwhelming, causing blisters to form along his flesh.
Dabi had a firm hold on him, growling like a wild beast. "Keigo Takami.."
Ice tendrils curled around the hero's heart, freezing him.
How does he know my name?
No one knows that name!
He gritted his teeth, sharpening his golden gaze into a glare sharp enough to cut metal.
"Who are you?"
Dabi's lips slowly curved up into a smug sneer, his blue eyes lighting up on wicked delight. It was almost as if this were all a game and he was finding great pleasure in watching it unfold.
"Who the hell are you?!" Hawks repeated the question with more force- and more strain.
Dabi smiled, standing so he towered above the hero.
"I am-"

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