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Hawks was trying not to think too hard about all the germs and dangerous people around them as he, Dabi, and Endeavor walked along through the airport.
They had been instructed to only bring carry-ons, nothing more.
Endeavor was carrying all three of their duffle bags, his stance firm and professional as they waited for their turn to go through security.
Their bags went through the conveyor belt and then the number one hero stepped through the metal detectors, having to duck so he wouldn't hit his head.
Hawks placed his phone in a tray on the conveyor belt only to look back and see a panicked Dabi.
"I fucking swear if you've got any type of shit on you," he whisper shouted.
Dabi frantically waved himself up and down. "Bitch, have you seen me?"
Oh shit.
He was totally covered in metal.
"Well good luck getting a pat down!" The hero gave a small wave before prancing through, not setting off a thing.


Dabi glared at his boyfriend's sly smirk. After taking a deep breath, he readied himself to start hell.
Sure, Shigaraki had wanted him to smuggle a few quirk destroying bullets over to America, but he had said no.
Unfortunately, he agreed to other things.
Dabi stepped through the metal detector, his heart thumping, making blood pound in his ears.
After a moment, a blaring alarm sounded, and security came running.
Despite his growing anxiety, Dabi made eye contact with Hawks and the both immediately started singing.
"Step back, pull you pants up!"
Hawks laid on the ground, spreading out wide. "Spread your legs like this- keep your hands up!"
Dabi smirked down at him. "It's okay if you touch my dick, 'cause this is the security check!"
He laughed to himself as the hero's cheeks turned red.
Endeavor gave him a disapproving glare as the security guards came to check him.
Fuck that man.
Fuck him and all that he's worth.


Izuku shifted back and forth on his feet, unable to contain his buzzing excitement.
All might had told him the other three people joining them would be a surprise, and his imagination had been going wild since.
Now they were at their gate, waiting for the plane to start boarding.
True, it was only the two of them in the area as they were going to be taking a plane for just their team, but that didn't calm his nerves.

"Hey, All Might?"
The skinny blond man glanced over at him. "Yes, Midoriya?"
"Are the others going to get here soon?"
The older man worried at his lip, looking forward again. "They should be. We're supposed to take off in twenty minutes."
Izuku nodded, though he wasn't really reassured.
He hoped the others would make it in time.
He wasn't sure if he'd have service for most of the way over and he didn't want his mom to worry.


  Dabi was grumbling curses under his breath as he followed Endeavor and Hawks.
His pat down had been a little too thorough for his liking. He could still feel the ghosts of security's hands rubbing him down.
"What time is it?" He asked.
His legs were aching and he was hungry.
Hawks glanced down at his watch, golden eyes growing wide. "Fuck."
Endeavor glared at the small hero. "What?"
"Fuck as in our flight leaves in five minutes and we aren't anywhere near our gate!"
Dabi couldn't help but let out a throaty laugh which was met but cold stares.
Before he could say a thing, Hawks shot a few feathers off into the distance.
"What are you doing with those?"
"You'll see."
A moment later, the feathers returned, pushing a wheelchair in their wake.
Dabi looked the hero up and down. "I know Endeavor is old but he's not that old."
Hawks shoved the bigger hero into the chair before throwing Dabi into his lap.
"Fuck!" The villain yelled.
No way was he going to sit in his abusive ex-dad's lap all around the airport.
The air was knocked out of his lungs as the wheelchair was propelled forward at tremendous speed.
Hawks had his hands on the back, propelling their group forward with big blasts of his wings.
They arrived at a small seating area with a green haired boy and skeletal man being the only other people.
"We will now be boarding, Team X," a fuzzy voice came from the intercom.
Hawks fell on his knees, punching the floor as he laughed. "I did it bitch! Right on time."
Dabi rolled his eyes.
Picking up the winged man, he carried him along a short hallway and onto the plane.
He was surprised to find it wasn't a usual airplane though.
Inside was a large cabin but it had two benches placed on opposite walls. Further back, there were four curtained off sections.
All Might took a seat on one bench, his smile growing as a bouncy green haired kid sat next to him.
Where do I know him from?
Hawks jumped from his arms and plopped down on the bench opposite of the former hero and student.
Dabi was about to sit next to his boyfriend when Endeavor shouldered past him, knocking him slightly.
He hissed a low curse as the big hero sat beside Hawks, leaving the only space free the spot beside him.
Dabi sat begrudgingly next to the man, his arms folded against his chest.
This was going to be a very, very long flight.

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