Ch. 30

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                                                    Gracie POV 

Derek helped me to my feet, 

"Now I definitely believe you played football," I mumbled 

"Gracie... how?" Derek said 

"Look I promise I will explain everything, but can we umm, get out from the open?" I said looking around

"Sure, but you have a lot of stuff to talk about," He said grabbing my upper arm lightly 

I nodded we got in the SUV, 

It was silent how was I going to explain this to them, 

I kept my hat that Derek gave to me which is funny, I looked out the window as we passed by buildings, 

Maybe if I'm honest they won't blow a gasket, I thought 

We pull up to the police station, 

"Come on," Derek said 

I sighed getting out of the car, might as well face the music now, 

I trailed behind Derek as we walked in we walked in a conference room, 

"Hotch, guys I think I found someone who might be able to help," Derek said 

I still had the Yankees hat on, 

Derek stepped to the side, 

"Who's she?" JJ asked 

"Well it's kind of a long story," I said taking the hat off 

Letting my hair fall out of the hat, 

Everyone's eyes got wide, 

"Gracie?" Rossi said not believing what he was seeing 

I can't blame them, I mean they did think I was dead, that I died in surgery,

"How?" JJ asked 

"It's kind of a long story," I said 

Next thing I know Rossi brought me into a hug, let me just say I was a bit surprised 

Then looked at me after we separated, 

"What happened?" Hotch asked 

"Well when I thought I was going to die on that surgery table, I made a decision," I said 

"I convinced the Doctor to tell everyone that I died on that table, because If he thought I was dead, he wouldn't expect me to come back," I said 

"You what?" Derek said 

"You have to understand I had to do this," I said 

"Where have you been?" Rossi asked 

"Hawaii," I said 

At this point I tried to remain calm, but I was starting to panic, 

"I tried to call you," I said looking at Rossi, 

"But every time I just hung up, I just froze up," I said 

"I did this with the best intentions," I said 

"But you faked your death," JJ said in a not so approving tone, 

"It had to be done he thinks I'm dead and now I've been keeping an eye on him," I said 

"Well that was until somebody almost fell to their death," I said looking at Derek, 

They looked at him, 

"Don't ask," He said 

"What have you learned?" Hotch asked 

I smirked 

"Your gonna love this," I said 

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