Ch. 14

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                                                  Third Person POV

everyone was in the office of the police department, when Derek got a phone call from Garcia, 

"Talk to my baby girl," Derek said 

"Okay, so the small blood pool on the left was confirmed as Scott Grey's blood," Garcia said 

"So he's wounded," Rossi said 

"Yes, now the larger blood pool  that also led to the window, didn't belong to Rose or Greg, it was Gracie's" Garcia said 

"she's hurt?" Reid said 


"Just as we suspected he was waiting for her," Hotch said 

"Now some one matching Scott's description was checked into mercy hospital about an hour ago," Garcia said 

"Morgan Emily I want you to go check if it's really him," Hotch said 

"What about Gracie?" Rossi asked 

"No one matching her description has checked in any hospital or medical facilities," Garcia said in a sad voice 

"If her injuries are this bad guys, you don't think?" Garcia said 

"No, Gracie is smart she's gonna lay low especially now that she know's Scott is out there," JJ said 

Everyone nodded 

"Garcia I want you to watch surveillance or any descriptions for Gracie," Hotch said 

"JJ, I want you to talk to the press I want her found and Scott back behind bars as soon as possible," Hotch said 

everyone nodded, 

                                                      Gracie POV

I woke up seeing a pool of blood under me and my shirt and jeans soaked in my blood, 

I look around for anything that can temporarily stop the bleeding, I found some gauze and some stretch bands using them too keep the gauze in place, 

I had my backpack with me, I had my red hoodie inside it I pulled the hoodie on covering my shirt, I put a baseball cap on and the hood from my hoodie on top of the baseball hat, 

good thing my jeans are dark enough you can't really see the blood, I put my skateboard in my backpack, and walk out of the shack, 

after walking for what seemed like forever I come to town as I'm passing a shop a tv was in the window I see JJ on the TV, I stop to watch, 

"My name is Jennifer Jareau I'm with the FBI we are on a man hunt for Scott Grey he is 45 years old 6'1 220 pounds Brown hair green eyes we believe he is the one who massacred the Willows to get to his 13 year old daughter Gracie, if you see him contact the police, he is considered armed and dangerous," JJ said 

"Miss Jareau what about his daughter?" One reporter said 

"Is he a threat to the city?" another said 

"Should there be a curfew for minors?" another said 

"Just know we are doing all we can to find this man," JJ said 

"We need your help finding Gracie Grey, we believe her life is in danger and is injured, she is 13 years old 95 pounds, brown hair blue eyes, if you see her or think you've seen her contact us at once, Thank you," JJ said 

there was a crowd around me watching the tv also, 

"Poor kid I hope she's alright," A man said 

I nodded walking away, 

I must remain strong this guy will stop at nothing until he kills me, I thought as I walked I keep my Yankees hat on tight so know one will see my face, 

I come to a bar I tell the guy I have to use the bathroom, and surprisingly he lets me in I walk in the bathroom locking the door, I take my hat and hood off my face is bruised and very pale, I look like a ghost, 

I splash some water on my face, 

"Do I go to them? or do I do this myself?" I thought out loud, 

I then Hear pounding on the door,

"This is the police open up!" I heard 

I put my baseball cap on and hood, slung my backpack on and opened the window, and crawled out, 

my back pressed against the brick wall, I peek out from the alley seeing Derek,Rossi and Reid, waiting outside talking, 

I need to get out of here I pull my skateboard out from my backpack and start skating the opposite way, 

I'm not bringing anyone into my mess again I thought this time I do this on my own, 

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