Ch. 22

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                                                                           Third Person POV

"Talk to my baby girl," Derek said 

"Okay so when Gracie's father Scott killed her mother, their records were sealed up tight," Garcia said 

"Is there anyway for you to get into them?" Emily asked 

"Please that's child's play already did," Garcia said 

"And?" Rossi asked 

"According to the records they Grey family lived in a nice family home in Danville California," Garcia said 

"You don't think she went back there do you?" Reid said 

"That's the thing I had a camera pick up Gracie's facial regoneisoin and it picked her up at the air port I think that is exactly where she's going," Garcia said 

"Send us the address," Hotch said 

                                          Gracie POV

I was in my old family home, I set up a few things that would buy me some time I had a metal bat tight in my grip, I was hiding in what used to be my closet in my bedroom, waiting, And waiting it almost seemed like forever, until

"Oh Gracie.." I heard Scotts chilling voice, 

"I am here are you going to face your father," He said 

I remained in my spot,

"It's a little Ironic that you tell me to meet you here where I butchered so many innocent women," He said I hear him searching the house 

"And lets not forget your bitch of a mother," I heard him enter my room his back to me searching under the bed, 

"Does it pain you, knowing you are the cause of her death," I heard him say 

That fast I open the door hitting him as hard as I could upside the head with the metal bat, 

Causing him to fall to the floor, I rolled him over and started punching him repetitively over the face, 

He kneed me in the gut causing me to roll off of him, 

"Oh I see it pisses you off," He said laughing 

"Knowing that I butchered your mother like a fish," He said as he kicked me in the gut as I was on the floor, 

"But I wasn't going to, just the thought of her taking you from me ignited something I couldn't stop," He said kicking me again

causing me to grunt in pain, 

"And now I'm doing the exact same thing again," He said kicking me again, 

I was now laying near my night stand where I taped a butcher knife under neath it, 

His face got close to mine, 

"Any last words princess," He said smirking, 

"Yeah, I hope you rot in hell," I said grabbing the knife lodging it right into his gut, 

causing him to fall to the floor in pain, 

I took off running to the kitchen where I left another weapon under the butcher block table, I hear him chasing me, I get tackled half way through the living room, 

"I have to admit it kid you have my blood in you that's for sure," He said smirking 

"I am nothing like you!" I said struggling 

"Of course you are sweetie look what you did to me," He said pulling the knife out of his stomach, 

I kicked him right where no man wants to be kicked and ran to the kitchen grabbing the gun a Glock 

I pointed it at him, I was out of breath, he entered the kitchen seeing what I have, 

"Don't... move" I said out of breath, 

"Your not going to shoot me," He said smirking taking a step 

I shot at his feet, causing him to back up, 

"Don't test me," I said glaring at him through the blood running down my head running into my eyes 

Real fast he tried grabbing the gun and multiple shots went off in different directions next thing I know I feel a burning sensation in my chest and I fall to the floor, 

My breathing started getting shallow, 

He was standing over me smirking next thing I see is him getting tackled by Derek, 

I see blurry, I see Rossi keeling over me, he's talking but I can't make the words out what he is saying, He as his coat off applying pressure to my wound, 

Then I felt darkness consume me,

                                                    Rossi POV

We finally apprehend Scott but as we run in the house I see Gracie on the floor struggling to breath, 

"Gracie!" I said  

I keeled aside of her taking off my jacket applying pressure, 

"I need a medic!" I yelled 

"Stay with me Gracie, your gonna be alright okay," I said 

My jacket soaking blood quickly 

"Where is that Medic!" I yelled 

Then her eyes slowly flutter shut, 

"No, No! Stay with me Gracie!" I said 

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