Ch. 21

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                                                     Gracie POV

After a few bus rides to a news station I gave them a tape I made specifically for my so called father I told them to only play it at eight o'clock, 

Then I took a bus to the air port buying a ticket back to California, I knew exactly what I was doing, I thought 

If he wants to play games I'm here to play his game and I don't intend to lose not this time, I thought 

                                   Rossi POV

I was standing in the conference room with some of the police force and our group, 

"What do you mean she just walked out?" JJ asked 

"Did any of you even attempt to stop her?' I asked 

No one said anything, 

"That message Scott left on the news, that has to be it," Derek said 

I nodded, 

"Now the question is where would she go?" I asked 

"This is Rebekah reporting live from the station where hours ago a tape arrive at our station," The news anchor said 

We all looked at the news, The tape started to play and It showed Gracie, 

"My name is Gracie Grey and I have a message for Scott, I am no longer going to stand by while you hurt innocent people," Gracie said as she glared at the screen, 

"So if you're watching this, I am surrendering to end your rain of terror, meet me where it all began, so we can end this," Gracie said as the tape ended, 

"What the hell is that kid thinking?" Derek said 

"Where it all began?" Reid said 

"Call Garcia," I said 

                                             Gracie POV

I was now standing outside of my old family home where my mother was murdered by my father, 

I slowly opened the door it made a creaking noise, 

"We're going to see who's gonna break first..." I said walking in the door, 

"You... or me," I said closing the door, 

"I am done running from you," I said 

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