Ch. 19

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Gracie POV

Beep, Beep, Beep,

Ugh I know that sound the hospital, well at least the surgery went fine, I thought my heavy eyelids flutter open,

It was blurry at first, I had to blink a few times to see that I'm in the same hospital room I left,

I see that I'm alone,

I hear a commotion in the hall way,

"Sir! Sir! you can't go in there," I hear someone yell

"I'm her father I have every right to see her!" I heard him he's here! I thought

I pulled the IV out and the many of wires on my skin,

I find my clothes and get dressed as fast as I could, living on the street you learn how to do things as quick as possible,

I look down the hallway to see that he's fighting with some of the nurses,

As they were all distracted I made my get away,

exiting the Hospital, I cross the street, to the payphone, I dialed Rossi's number,

"Rossi," He said

"Rossi, he's in there," I said

"Gracie? Where are you?' He said

"At a payphone hes in there looking for me," I said with a raspy voice,

"Gracie stay where you are," He said

He hung up, I see Rossi exit the hospital,

"Gracie how did you get out of there," He asked

I just shrugged,

"He's in there," I said

"I have Derek looking for him relax, you shouldn't be walking around," He said

"I'm fine," I said

Derek comes out,

"He was there but he's no where to be found," Derek said

"I told you it was a bad idea for me to be here," I said

"Come on lets get you back in bed," Rossi said

I shook my head no,

"No, I'm not going back in there," I said

"Kid you need to rest," Derek said

"No that was too close," I said

"Gracie," Rossi began

"No, I'm not going to be a sitting duck in there," I said crossing my arms

Derek stepped away to make a phone call,

Derek comes back

"Okay kid you win lets go," Derek said

I nodded with that the three of us make our way back to the police station, it took about fifteen minutes,

We walk inside too see everyone hard at work,

"Feeling better?" Reid asked

"More or less," I said

"He was there at the hospital looking for her," Rossi said

"Now the question is where is he going to go next," Hotch said

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