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                                                                     Grace pov

California my home Point Lobos is where us runaways hide hide from the police hide from people in a big shack hide by trees and brush the beach is hidden also not many people know about it so us run aways have endless surfing with no worries but recently runaways mostly teens have been being murdered I've been trying my best too keep most of them safe but they just keep disappearing 

right now I'm in the city trying to find my next meal i have a red zip up hoodie on and jean shorts and running shoes when i see crime scene tape i keep my hood up one man is dark skinned and goatee the other had dark hair and also had goatee the other was a tall skinny guy 

"it looks like the victim put up a fight" the dark man said i get a better look "Abby" i whispered 

                                                           Derek pov

we were in California investigating the murders of three teenagers me Rossi  and Reid were at the recent crime scene as were looking at the body i notice something in the crowd someone in a red Hoodie the hood up watching us "Rossi" i said  he looked at me i whispered "in the red hoodie" i said he looked then nodded i see them start to back up and walk away casually and we start to follow then they start to run "FBI Freeze!" i yelled then they started sprinting 

                                               Gracie pov

as soon as i heard FBI i ran faster what the hell are the FBI doing on this side of town i run down an alley that had a gate blocking my exit i smirked i kicked my feet off the brick wall then did a back flip over the fence then continue to run i need to get back to the hide out 

                         Derek pov

dam who the hell was that and how can they pull out a move like that i lost them Dam it! Rossi i lost him! i said on the com don't worry we'll find him get back here we have some information you might want to see 

                                         Gracie pov 

I get back to Point Lobos I'm sitting at the edge watching the waves as the sun sets i hug my knees when did life get this messy i thought 

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