Ch. 24

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                                                       Rossi POV 

I am in my office sitting at my desk looking at a picture of Me Gracie and the team, after we put her father away the first time, she was in a wheel chair smiling, 

It has been a year today since she died, and it isn't right she deserved to live, she deserved to be a kid, before she died I was preparing to adopt the kid, she's been through so much it was the least I could do, I thought 

When I told Scott he killed his own daughter, he simply smiled and said she deserved it, if there wasn't a glass separating us at the jail I would have punched the man, 

I heard a knock and set the picture down, 

"Rossi we have a case," JJ said 

I nodded standing up, 

"California, Women's bodies are dropping at an alarming rate," JJ said showing the pictures of the victims on the screen, 

"This is odd, each woman, had their spleen removed just like-" Reid said 

"The back ally Butcher," I said cutting him off, 

"Did he escape?" I asked 

"No, as far as the penitentiary's concern he's been in his cell," JJ said 

"Then someone is certainly taking his footsteps," Emily said 

"How no one ever disclosed this information to the public," JJ said 

"JJ, Reid, Derek I want you to visit the prison and talk to Scott," Hotch said 

"Me, Emily and Rossi are going to visit the last victim location," Hotch said 

we all nodded walking out the room, 

                                               Gracie POV 

A year sure can change a person, as soon as I was given the clear from the hospital I got a fake pass port, and ID, 

and I left never looking back I took the first flight to Hawaii, the place where surfing was born, 

I live in a small abandoned cottage near a secluded beach, 

everything has been different since I was shot, I can't run for an excessive amount of time without wheezing and almost passing out, and don't get me started on the excruciating chest pain from my heart, 

But I just couldn't give up on surfing, so I just take it slow, and sometimes I just sit on my bored and watch the sun set and feel the waves, 

It was peaceful, I felt as if I was at peace, 

I was currently on the beach in my suit my knees to my chest as I watched the sunset, 

The thing is at night I relive the nightmare, and when I wake up, I call Rossi, and as soon as I hear his voice I hang up I just can't bring myself to say anything, 

I miss everyone, but it is for the best that I remain dead, just until he escapes again, and I can get my revenge, 

I am fourteen now, and wiser from my mistakes, 

                                                      Rossi POV 

As I was examining the dump site of the body, I see that it's Derek, 

"Rossi," I said 

"Rossi, your not going to believe this," Derek said 

"What is it?" I asked 

"He had another cell mate posing as him, he escaped four weeks ago," Derek said 

My eyes widen, 

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