Part 3 - The First Hole!

Start from the beginning

"Smiling faces. Smiling faces. The early mole digs the deepest hole. Shovels on the left, tortillas on the right. Let's go!" He told all of the campers as literally all of them looked exhausted and wanted to sleep for another 10 years.

"Ok, come and get it. Let's go." Mr Sir opened the 'Library' that had loads of shovels inside. Magnet went first as he spoke again. "Come on, Magnet. Open them peepers. Let's go. Let's go." Magnet grabbed his shovel and walked away as Stanley was next, then Zero, then X-Ray, then Squid, then ZigZag, then Armpit, then Chloe. Boys. "Head's still on the pillow. This ain't no dreamland, diddles. This is reality." What on earth is Mr Sir on about!? Like really!? We all know this isn't dreamland. This is the worst place to probably be.

Chloe's POV...

I grabbed the shovel that had red around it and hummed to myself, and walked off before it getting snatched from me and another one thrown to the floor.

End of POV...

"Hey, girl. You picked the bestest shovel. It is shorter than the rest of them." Magnet told Chloe as he walked off and saw Squid walked to her with a tortilla.

"Smaller shovel, smaller hole." He smiled and walked off.

Chloe sighed, grabbed a tortilla, and then followed the boys who were leaving her behind.


"Okay, P-Pen- Chloe. Dig here. If you find anything interesting, you are to report it to me or Pendanski."

"Okay, Mr Sir." Chloe put her shovel against the ground and put her foot on side, pushing it into the hard dirt.

"One down, ten million to go." Mr Sir smirked and walked away as everyone began to dig their daily holes.


Later that day, Chloe had loads of blisters on her hands as she noticed her water supply was completely empty.

"Oh great..." She moaned and continued to dig until Pendanski or Mr Sir come with the water truck.

"What was that!?" A boy yelled to her as she saw who it was. It was Armpit.

"Got blisters and I forgot my gloves." She sighed and looked at her bleeding hands.

"I got no water, dude." Armpit went back to digging as no one else seemed to care, but someone came out of their hole and walked to me. It was Caveman..

"H-Hi." He smiled and knelt down. "First hole is always the hardest, right?"

"I guess so?" She raised and eyebrow.

"Show me your hands out flat." He spoke normally as she did and felt coldness against it.

"Ow!" She yelped as ZigZag looked up in curiousity. "It hurts!"

"It will, Chloe."

"What are you doing to her?" Squid asked from his own hole.

"Trying to help her." He didn't look at them as he rubbed her hands that were plastered in water to clean them out.

"Unlike you guys." Chloe looked up at them as they sighed or shrugged. "Why are they soo mean for?"

"They are like it with all of the new people." Stanley smiled walked back to his barely dugged up hole.

"Thank you, Stan- Caveman!" Chloe smiled in appreciation as the other boys saw how cute she looked with a happy smile.

"It's fine."


Mr Sir came with his truck later that day as the boys and Chloe got out of their holes.

"First hole is always the hardest." Magent told her as she grunted as he hands were still stringing from all of the blisters.

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