Part 9 - Back To Individual Holes!

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It was early the next morning, and Mr Sir was walking along the porch talking to all the young boys and girl.

"Listen up." He started. "After the behaviour exhibited these past several days, the Warden and I have decided that your character-building will be served by returning to the digging of individual holes." He told them all as Caveman just stared blankly, Magnet was asleep, while standing and the others just didn't give a shit. "Over to you." He looked at Pendanski as he began to walked away.

"All right! Let's go dig, boys! Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" He then began to wave them all for them all to lead to the dried up lake.

"I like how they always forget to say girl too." Chloe/Barge told her friends as they chuckled.

"Guess your not important." X-Ray joked as she pushed him playfully. He nearly slipped which made them all chuckle again.


It was now the middle of the day, everyone was sweating, panting and starting to lose a lot of water from their canteens.

Luckily, Mr Sir had arrived with the water truck and started to fill all of their canteens up. When it was Caveman's turn he started to talk.

"Water's the most precious commodity on the planet. All life begins with water. So, think of it this way. I'm giving you life. Say "thank you"." He handed over Stanley's/Caveman's full canteen as Magnet secretly took a sack out of the front seat of the truck.

"Thank you, Mr Sir." As he was walking back to his hole, they all heard thunder. They saw the very thick clouds, but they were beyond the mountains.

"Don't get your hopes up. Them storms never make it past the mountains." Mr Sir told them all. He was probably here for so long that he knows this stuff like the back of his hand.

"Maybe this time they will." Stanley said, not really getting his hopes up.

"I hope..." Chloe sat on her dirt pile and drank some water slowly.

"I got a story for you Girl Scouts!" Mr Sir spat out his sunflower seed on the floor. "Once upon a time, there was a magical place where it never rained. The end." He smirked and laughed at his very short, stupid story.

"I don't get it." Squid looked at Zigzag as he just looked around.

"Have a nice day." Mr Sir then got in his truck then began to drive away.

"I doubt it..." Chloe mummbled and used her hat to blow air into her face. "This damn heat is killing me!"

"Hey, guys." Magnet smiled as he watched Mr Sir drive further away from them all. "Anybody want some sunflower seeds?" He lifted up the sack of seeds as most of the boys wanted some, not including Zero and Barge. "I can help it, man. My hands are like magnets!" X-Ray ran to Magnet and got a hand full of seeds.

"Mr Sticky Fingers!" Squid joked as X-Ray gave the sack to Armpit as he grabbed a hand full.

"I'll take some of those!" Zigzag held his hand out to catch the sack as he grabbed his own hand full.

"Zig, come on, man. Hurry up." Caveman called out as they all noticed that Mr Sir was coming back because he realised that the seeds were missing.

"Guys! Mr Sir's coming back! He's coming back!" Magnet stood up in worry as Zigzag chuckled the sack to Caveman and he missed the catch and the seeds went everywhere in his hole.

He panicked and tried to hide them all as Mr Sir parked the truck, got out and looked around the holes.

"Well, well. How did that get there?" Mr Sir noticed the sack and seeds that were badly not hidden well.

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