= Ch 13: The Descent =

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After a few sidewalks, my heels hit up one flight of stairs and down two. I'm dragged down a long hallway, then thrown down. My side hits a cold, merciless floor. A heavy door shuts behind me, audibly locking with a thick metallic click. The bag vanishes. A small room surrounds me, no more than 8 feet by 8 feet. High in the wall, a small, slitted window holds thick bars between me and the rest of the world. Gray light seeps through the gaps. Moss colonizes the corners. The air, ripe with humidity, feels like soup in my lungs. Was this even meant to be a cell?

A slit opens in the iron door. Two blurry, lifeless eyes stare through the barred eyehole. "Here she is, sir," The eyes step out of sight.

Another pair steps into view. Two brown eyes struggle to adjust to my dark room. "Well, we finally got you. I was worried it'd take much longer."

"And who's talking?" If I can get a shred of information about what's happening, I'll feel ok.

"My name's Carnage."

"Jackshit," I growl. "Your real name."

"You're in no spot to be making demands," he states, a snarky curl to each syllable.

"I should at least know. Why am I being arrested?"

"'The whole world's a lawless place; laws are only a suggestion, but justice is a necessity.' You yourself said that. So, Catherine, why do you only expect laws to matter when justice brings its fist down on you?"

"I don't know who Catherine is," I hiss through gritted teeth, "and this isn't justice! Justice can't be thoughtless. Have you any solid evidence? How can you convict me of a crime without —"

"This has nothing to do with your so-called crime. Let's admit it: you know more than you should. Boo hoo. Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to commend you for keeping your secret so well. What a shame it'd be if word got out about our little crew!" His innocent eyes smile, as if this is endlessly fun for him. "So, let's make a deal. You join us and I unlock this." He taps the door.

Fuck. "And if I don't agree to this deal?"

"That'd be unfortunate. Yes, very unfortunate... So, for your convenience, I have a wonderful guest with me who could probably convince you. Red, come on over!"

The eyes vanish from the door. I watch, uncertain of who to expect. A familiar beard appears. And then, he leans down to stare through the slot. Logan Baron's auburn eyes, surrounded by his fiery ginger hair, stare through, unmistakable and pained.

"Cado —" he starts.

"No. No. I — what is happening?!" I can't think.

"I'll explain," his gravelly voice grumbles, "I promise."

I sputter for words. "Talk. Just... talk."

"This is Deep Sea."

I wait for more of an explanation, but nothing more comes of it. "And?!" I cry. "What the fuck is happening?"

"Calm down."

"I will not!"

"I said calm down!" He bellows.

His voice fills my small room like a pool. I instinctively shrink, scared to drown.

"Good." I hear him lean against the door. He turns to the side. "So. Deep Sea. We're here to fix this country from the inside out. You probably already knew that, but you were getting way too close to seeing how."

"What?! I know nothing!"

"You know more than you think you know. We've heard you snooping around. It isn't worth the risk to leave you free, but I know you're capable and young, Cado. And I want you to live. So, will you join us?"

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