= Ch 6: Roots =

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The night birds release their guttural chirps and squawks to the winter air. Between the muffled cacophony and the bone-deep chill, I nestle further and further into the floor, but can't find a wink of sleep. Momo sleeps snugly in her blanket. I can't sleep, but sleeplessness is nothing new.

Noises off in the distance stir an instinctual terror deep in my chest. The horrific screeches of the night morph into human screams, but I've heard these birds my whole life. I know them to be birds, and only that. I catapult up, hearing something rustle in the bushes. My hand goes to my sword. I bet it's absolutely nothing. Just like the man in the window. Nothing. But in my mind, it feels like something. Not one for taking chances, I peer out of the door, only to see a shadowy figure approaching from the edge of the woods. I step out of sight, drawing my sword, and watch from the shadows of our treehouse.

The stranger struggles through the fauna. Their tall, lanky frame teeters to and fro, kicking at this or that, cursing in a different language. Either they're drunk or they're new to the woods, but either way, they could be dangerous. Step by step, they disturb the entire ecosystem before finally reaching the treehouse. They approach; I tense as they step out of sight. The wood strains as they begin to climb the ladder.

The moment calls. All at once, I lean out, wielding my sword down at the stranger. "Stop right there!"

A young man, clad in fine clothes, nearly falls off of the ladder. He stares up at me in shock, his blue eyes framed by curly brown hair. He isn't drunk, just a fish out of water.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"I-I'm..." He lets out a nervous laugh. "Calm down, put that away."

"Off the ladder."

He surveys the situation at hand, looking between me and the sword, and, after a moment of futile resistance, surrenders to an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

My sword drops to my side. "Daniel!"

"I-I'm so sorry!" He tears up, choking with uncontrollable laughter. "Dios mios!"

"What's so funny??"

"Y-You have a big knife!!" He steps off of the ladder, gripping a rung to hold himself steady while laughter assaults him.

"Hey, watch it! This is a sword!"

"Sorry, sorry!! I-I'm being very rude — " He purses his lips, holding back another outburst. He attempts to compensate by shaking his head. "I'm so sorry for laughing. This shouldn't be funny, and I'm being awfully rude..." He takes a moment to recollect himself, red in the face. "B-But you're so tiny a-and I did not expect that."

"Watch it, braid boy. Since when did you have long hair?"

He sobers up and self-consciously touches the braid on the back of his head. "Oh, it's — is it odd or —"

"No, no!!" I didn't mean it that way! "It looks really good, actually."

"Oh?" He brightens. "Ok! I thought it'd fit the Phian theme."

"It sure as hell does. Now, braid boy!" I tower over him, wielding my sword once more. "Step away from the ladder. Three steps back!"

He obeys, holding his hands where I can see them, and stops once he's fully in my line of sight.

"State your name and your business!" I command.


I shoot him a look. He catches on.

"Oh, uh... Daniel Conner Shelby! My house is the blue one, right over there." He gestures, clearing his throat. "And I just came to check out my old treehouse."

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