War of 3015: Chapter Six

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It is about an hour before the ball. The castle's staff is in a rush trying to get King Dameo, Prince Eithan and I ready...

A female staff is tightening my corset of the red dress I wore when I learned the steps of the dance we'll be dancing tonight. With every tug I louse more and more of my ability to breathe. Unfortunately I'm still quite new to this style of dressing. I was never ritch and was a leader of a rebellion group. That didn't give me a lot of occasions of wearing dresses. 

After she was done tightening the corset, she put on my necklace while I put on my earings.

With that done, she sits me down and puts on my high heels, even though I said I could do it myself...

It was about 30 minutes before the ball officially began, and the three of us were going in a carriage. This time, Eithan sat in the back of us. The ride there was all done in silence.

The carriage pulled up to a fenced castle. There were many people outside of the castle talking to one another near the huge pool, on the balconies, on the huge terrains... This castle was truly beautiful. The lights reflected in the water, the balconies were nicely lit...

My studies of the castle exterior was cut short when a hand reach out for mine. I tried hard not to flinch. I'm not here only to be the mysterious girlfriend of King Dameo, but as an undercover leader of a rebellion willing to get info on other royals, maybe even gaining alliances...

Dameo got off first, holding his hand out for me, to help me get off of the carriage. I let my hand slide into his and step off the carriage gracefully. I instantly hear parts of wispers with the word Dameo. I try to block out the wispers. Eithan steps off the carriage no problem and starts walking behind us toward the inside of the castle.

I look around to find quite a few people looking my way. Feeling self conscious I take the easy way out and look down. Well, only for a moment since my leadership pride wouldn't allow me to do it more then that.

There seemed to be an even amount of females and males at this ball. All looked well dressed. Men in their suits and women in their nice flowing dresses.

"Welcome King Dameo!" A man states, walking to greet us in the doorway. I presume from his outfit he was the one who invited us to his home...

A women shortly followed, smiling and waving hello to me. I wave back, having no idea who it is.

"Hello again, Cordelia." Eithan greets.

She blushes.

I roll my eyes mentally. I remember what Eithan told me about her last night. Cordelia was basically King Celieo's third wife. She was rumoured to be his mistress since his first wife. I look at her and wonder how she could be so stupid and accept this man's stupidity. I look at her blond hair and her beautiful features and realize she's the high maintenance and girly-girl type. She is also rumoured to have dated king Celio's sons. Everyone else doesn't seem to like her, according to Eithan. Cordelia, again, according to Eithan, is a very good friend of Dameo. I bet.

"Come in, come in, let's start talking and dancing!" King Celio continues.

As I enter the main hall I was dumbfounded. The white walls were nice and tall, the rooms linking to this hall were still very spacious despite the number of people here and had a classy aura to them. There was music playing in every room, all the same song in each one. The room we were brought to first contains a huge dancefloor, lots of waiters walking around with champagne glasses, a piano in the corner along with violinists, tons of food on the side with a few tables inside and many on one of the balconys. The chandeliers made the dacing area look very beautiful. The little cnadles on each table added a bit of elegance to the room as well.

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