War of 3015: Chapter Sixteen

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Walking in Everlyn's headquarters after so much time being away, I can't help but feel at home and at ease.

Everyone I knew is here like before, among a few new faces. But the room itself, including the stable that had Annabelle was just like before.

The only difference was that I am with Eithan. And Serinity watches me with a bit of worry that I am here to stop her good leadership role she's taken since my leave.

A bit bothered me that she acts like this towards me, but in the end I understood and realized that I might have been too. Not for my hatred or dislike of the person, but more like for the simple reason of loving what your new role is.

As worried as she is, she has nothing to worry about. I am no longer destined to be leader of Everlyn, but of Carlistan. Not as a rebellion leader but as Queen. That's how it is now.

I ask to speak to her in private, Eithan willingly staying inside and looking around our headquarter.

Looking around the room once again before walking out of the room, I look at Serinity. She walks with ease towards me, her expression neutral.

She nods and we head into the private room, which used to be mine but is now hers.

I glance around the room I used to spend nights in. It looked very similar. Just a few personal belonging she had on her desk seemed to make it diffident.

"Are you coming back for good?" She asks, tone neutral.

I shake my head. "I'm not coming back at all. You've done a great job while I was away, it would be a shame for you to stop now. Besides, once this is all over I will have a new life ahead of me. One with Eithan."

She nods, trying to hide her excitement but failing.

I took no offence to this and instead shared her happiness. Serinity will do just fine.

"But I need you to do me one favor." I add, he eyes losing their sparkle.

I smile. My next words won't make that frown last any longer. It wasn't something absurd or diminishing.

"You need to be the one dealing the final blow on Dameo tonight."

She smiles. She always wanted what I did. Now she gets the main role. "That's not a problem, Roselyn."


After hours of planning, it was now dark outside, a few minutes before the big plan would commence.

Everlyn soldiers were outside, waiting for me to whistle before leaving their hiding place behind trees.

They would reveal themselves and join the fight once all the army of Danisha showed up. They are the initial army.

But first, me and Eithan must get inside the castle. We are to act as though we are returning to stay and are both sorry for leaving. We must not arouse any suspicions.

This is the beginning of the plan.

This is where it gets exciting as well as worried. Many will die. Hopefully, as selfish as this sounds, not Eithan or any of Everlyn. Not that she didn't care for the lives of Danisha's soldiers, but she didn't know them as personally as she knows her Everlyn members.

Using a carriage from my headquarters to the castle, I look around. The poor were everywhere. Sadness reigned. This can't last. We must be the winners. King Dameo must die.

Eithan greets a guard by name and he allows us through the gates.

Once inside however, yelling was heard. It was Dameo yelling at one of his maids.

Once the guard informs him we've returned, his attitude didn't change not did his time of voice.

"The traitors have returned." He says loudly, walking up to Eithan until there was barely any space between the two of them.

I watch as fear passes through me. To shun the hideous thought I've just recently gotten, I check Dameo for any visible weapons. None. Good.

"You stole my prey, ran away together and then expect me to accept return?"

Holding back the urge to rectify the true happenings and not this exaggerations he has just accused us, I'm happy that Eithan speaks, calming me.

"Yes, father. We have found our actions to be wrong and are here to make amends." He says, his eyes on his fathers.

"I don't want it. Get out!" He yells, pushing him, but barely making him take a step back.

Anger flashes through his facial expression from hatred, and he grabs an object near by and throws it at him.

Eithan blocks it cleanly, my panic at ease.

I had to do something other then just stand here. I will not be a Queen who is scared to do everything. I'm not like that.

I look around and find nothing else that could be of use to Eithan. But then again we aren't fighting to kill him now.

I decide to voice out some words.

"Please, calm down, King. We were not thinking straight. We have missed eating diner with you."

Eithan and Dameo's attention was on me. Eithan's for shock that I talked and I'm not sure if he liked that I talked --but I really don't care--and Dameo's was unfortunately already roaming everywhere other then my eyes.

This man was pitiful and lacked control.

"Fine." He snaps. "Eith--"

A guard comes running up to us. "The castle is under siege!" He shouts panicked for his life.

Dameo looks at the man and pushes him on the ground. "Go on! Go defend you're country's castle!"

Not very encouraging words. Poor guy.

Dameo leaves us alone, not bothering to tell us another word. We follow him to the staircase and see him slam the door to his room shut and hearing locks being shut.

He was used to the attempts of attack now. That much was clear with his reaction and slow moving to his chamber.

He thinks his army is unstoppable. How sad. No matter what locks, no matter what was happening he would surely risk his life to come and consume his needs. He is a slave to his emotions of lust. Powerless even with his title that indicates the opposite. A crown and title mean nothing, if you cannot control yourself. His lust will be his downfall.

Eithan orders me to follow him to a room where we could see the battle from above, safe in the room.

A few battle me men from behind looked up momentarily, before continuing to fight.

My eyes find Serinity's and she smiles as she beheads a man.

The next few minutes were filled with killing and screams and blood. Dead bodies soon became more then the living on this battleground.

Danisha's army was well trained. My Everlyn even better.

Serinity makes her way through and into the castle, racing up the steps.

We exchange a silent hello and I ask the servants to stay inside if they want to live. They scream in fear and hide in the kitchen.

Time for the fun to begin. Serinity is inside. I am inside. Dameo, weak for women and his weakness to lust, will fall.

Eithan pulls me tight into a hug followed by a quick yet urgent kiss, his beautiful dark blue eyes and a bit of black hair in his left eye meet mine for a moment, before disappearing into his room, alone.

He didn't have to talk for me to know he hates this idea. Or that he would rather I stay by his side.

But this needs to be done. And I am perfect for the role.

Serinity looks at me and nods, starting to walk to the King's room.

It is time to seduce him, and in turn capture him, end him.

What better way then to offer yourself to a man along with another woman to a man whose weak for pleasure?

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