War of 3015: Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

In the tall white walls, were there was one table, where Dameo was sitting, and then there was chairs on the other side for the Lady, Saren, and her father, Markus. I had to stand, and so did the prince, beside the king.

"I'll take the liberty of explaining, father. Spare yourself from making your throat dry from such a silly subject." He started. "This is Nina, our newest worker here in the castle. She is still rather new―which is why she isn't used to wearing her customary uniform."

The lady seemed relived to hear this.

"Oh, well if that's all, then you will have no problem marring my daughter, my gift to your kingdom to have accepted our new alliance." Markus replied.

I turned my head to my right to find Prince Eithan smiling.

"Oh, but you see she isn't ONLY my worker..." He started, grabbing me suddenly and pressing his lips to mine.

My eyes wide open during his blissful kiss must have made me look dumb. The prince, son of the King I plan to kill with my rebellion clan, had just kissed me. Well, that didn't just complicate things.

His lips parted from mine.

Then the idea hit me. He probably didn't want to marry Saren, therefore he kissed me. Surely, that was the answer for his action.

"You have the audacity to insult us, Dameo? The audacity to think that I will give away my daughter to someone who already had a wife planned in his mind?" Markus half-yelled.

The king, looking incredibly shocked and mad, shook his head. "I had no idea." He paused. "If I had known..." He half mumbled to himself.

Markus took the paper they had both signed, symbolising their alliance and tore it in half.

"There is no alliance between us."

He took his daughter by her arm and they left, their guards following.

Dameo stood up, clearly pissed off towards his son for breaking the alliance he was trying so hard to make. He got up and walked towards the exit, to un-hilt a long sword that was hanged on the wall for display.

Eithan shook his head.

"Father, there is nothing going on between us." Eithan stated, taking a few steps back and reaching for his own weapon.

"Then why did you kiss her?" Dameo raged.

Eithan grimaced.

"Unlike you, I don't want to marry someone I have plans of divorcing awhile later."

Dameo and Eithan's swords clash.

They fought.

I stood near the exit, readying my leave and to make a run for it.

A wooden stick was thrown to the wall right beside me.

"You cannot leave me again, Nina." Dameo stated, putting away his sword, as the words of his Prince must have finally registered in his mind.

I cringed as he spoke those words.

He moves closer, intertwining his poisonous hand with mine.

"You are special to me." He whispers, in my ear.

It took me everything I had not to punch him and run.

My eyes were not drawn to Dameo but to Eithan. He seemed very unpleased about his father's action and the moment he caught me looking, he looked away.

"I am only a servant to you." I reminded him.

Dameo laughed. "For now."

I smiled a fake smile and Dameo walked out of the room.

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