48/ Epilogue

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"Honey, are you sure you have everything?" Alice looked behind her with a moving box clutched into her hand.

It was one of the few items left that needed to be brought to her apartment. Luckily, FP didn't own that much stuff. Moving his belongs wasn't such a big deal.

"Babe, even if I do forget something, we live across the hall." He chuckled as he grabbed the last box out of the Andrews apartment to bring it over to his new place— he was going to live with Alice.

"Fair point." She smiled cheekily and planted the box in her living room, followed by FP.

He closely walked back to the place that had been his home the past four years. Even before that, this place had always felt like his safe haven, even when he still lived in Toledo.

"So, the little bird is really leaving the nest, huh?" Fred wrapped his arm around Hermione, who leant her head against his. They looked like two parents starting with both pride and sadness at their teenage boy going off to college.

"Don't worry, Fred. You're not getting rid of me that easily." FP laughed, making the two in front of him laugh as well. Even when he switched places, they'd always be close to one another.

"Wouldn't want it any other way." Fred smiled sweetly. Although he was so happy that FP and Alice were taking this step together, all of it still felt a little bittersweet.

"Still... it's the end of an area." He said quietly. Throughout the years he had become so used to FP being his roommate that it felt strange that things weren't like that anymore, from now on.

"It sure is." FP whispered, feeling the sadness hitting him now.

"I'm going to miss you." He confessed. Of course he was looking forward finally living together with his wife, but that didn't mean he didn't have trouble of saying goodbye.

"Maybe you can arrange some sleepovers." Alice joked, to lighten the mood. She knew like no other how inseparable the two are.

"Oh we will. You may be his wife but we're still sharing." Fred teased back, successfully making her laugh.

"I think we're third wheeling in our own relationships, Hermione." Alice eyed her friend who was still being held by her boyfriend.

"We knew what we got ourselves into." She smiled as she looked at the two friends. Nothing was more beautiful to look at then the special bond the two friends had.

"Seriously though, it's going to be weird not seeing each other the way we used to." FP thought out loud. There wasn't that much of a change since he was still one knock away, but one way or another it asked a form of adjustment from the both of them.

"I know, it's crazy." Fred shook his head a little in disbelief. When he took FP into his home he would have never expected that this was were they would end up years later. Things truly changed for the better.

"But you know, without you I would have never gotten the chance to live with Alice. I owe you so much." FP smiled sweetly to his friend as he pulled his wife closer to his chest. He was so incredibly lucky to have both of them.

"As long as you still stop by we're even." Fred teased him, knowing very well that they couldn't stay away from each other's place just like the last years had already shown.

"I'll come raid your fridge when Alice makes me eat vegetables." He winked and earned a slap to his chest from her, but she had to smile nonetheless.

"So, I'll see you at dinner tonight." He added to his joke, making Fred and Hermione laugh while Alice gave him a disapproving look.


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