32/ Holiday Fever

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It was a few hours before they would take off to Vermont, and naturally Alice was the one to stir the ship. She had a natural talent for organizing. Around the holidays that was a skill that she could use in her advantage.

"How's everyone doing?" She looked around the Andrews apartment, where everybody was around being busy trying to collect everything for their ten-day trip.

"On schedule!" Betty called from her bedroom.

"That's my girl!" Alice yelled back proudly.

However, not everyone was as good with packing as both Betty and Alice were. Her oldest daughter had a little bit more trouble, mostly because she was very pregnant now.

"Polly, sweetie. Do you need some help?" Alice walked over to her daughter who had her suitcase spread on the dinner table and tried to squish in everything she believed she needed.

"I've got it, I was done packing anyways. You should focus on stirring the ship Captain Smith." Fred playfully saluted her and helped Polly fold her clothes, to make sure she had some room left for extra blankets.

"Thanks Fred, you're a sweetheart." said Alice gratefully. She walked around the rooms to check-up on everyone, clipboard in hand.

"Jughead? How come you are ready so soon?" Once she made her way back to the living room she noticed that the boy was grabbing a bottle of soda, his suitcase already packed and sealed.

"I packed last night. Besides, it's pretty much all I had when I came here, so that makes it a lot easier." He smirked.

"Though, I won't be home for a few hours." His eyes twinkled mysteriously as he grabbed the keys to his father's truck. FP was still busy packing in his room, he wouldn't miss them.

"Why? Where are you going?" asked Alice suspiciously. The last thing they needed was for someone to disappear and come back too late.

"Can't tell you. You will see." The boy smiled brightly. He needed this to be a surprise for her too.

"Don't be so mysterious, just tell me." She urged him on as she desperately wanted to know what he was planning.

"That will ruin the surprise, just trust me." He promised her, and Alice felt that he wasn't going to spill the beans no matter if how many times she'd ask.

"Alright. But don't be late! We're driving up there tonight." She warned him with a stern finger, but couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"He was acting weird, don't you think?" Alice asked Archie, who had joined her side after grabbing two bottles of water for him and Betty. He had heard the last part of their conversation.

"It's Jughead we're talking about, he is always a little weird." He laughed and shook his head as he walked back to his bedroom to finish packing.

The rest of the day went by in the blink of an eye. If it wasn't FP asking her questions over and over again, then it was someone else who wanted to know something.

"Mom, did you pack the first aid kit?"

"Should I bring my swimtrunks?"

"Yes, we have a hot tub."

"Don't forget your Secret Santa presents!"

"Mom, did you call Noah already?"

"Al, my suitcase won't close. Could you give me a hand?"

"Does Hermione know how late she has to be here?"


Two hours later, Jughead turned off the engine of the truck. He was home. Or actually, he was in Toledo. And he wasn't planning on returning alone. There was one thing that could make the holidays unforgettable for his father, which was the presence of his little sister.

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