✯ Married To Stripper ✯ - 73

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second day before Jungkook birthday


only the ceiling light was lighting up the whole house, above of dinning table where jimin was studying.... well he is trying. meanwhile, Jungkook was sleeping deeply in his room.

when Jungkook came home yesterday, it was already midnight and jimin saw how tired he looked that time. jimin didn't get to study yesterday that much, after coming back home, he went to check up with mrs. jeon for his baby who's condition came out quite well and he was soo happy when doctor told him that the baby is growing being very healthy and when he get back home, it was already night. he also made dinner for both of them and when he finally thought that he will study properly, Jungkook came home and goes to cuddle jimin after a tiring day, so here he is now, writing down notes while trying to learn them along which seem too hard for him as this subject is quite hard for him to learn and study.

He is soo scared... too much that he wasn't stopping to even stop studying which he was doing since Jungkook fall asleep deeply. he don't want to study in front of him because he know, no matter how much he can try, he couldn't study as Jungkook is a distraction and this option is not good at all as he had to learn this subject at any cost.

he cried mentally when he noticed that his half book only able to get complete and what's making him worried is that, the amount much he studied, he's feeling like he forgot everything, like his mind is empty now. his fingers stopped on his notebook as he felt tears prickling in his eyes and dropped his head upon the book, feeling soo stressed and anxiety kicking him soo much right now. its felt nerve wrecking.

" I am going to fail " his lips quiver as he push his body up, sitting straight as a frown discovered on his face.

even though, he still had 8 hours to study as the exam will going to start at different time, at 11am and he is already stressed. he hate that this times always come, no matter how much he study hard, he always got bad marks and these exams are important as they are going to add in finals one, it giving him soo much stressed and making him scared.

he know Jungkook can help him by comforting him as only Jungkook is the only one who can make him feel calm in these type of situations but he don't want to disturb him, knowing he is tired and finally having some peaceful sleep. he can't always bother him just for his small problems.

where on the other side, Jungkook sleep broken when his hands goes to wrap around jimin but not finding him here, only empty space. a baby frown took over his face when he didn't find jimin near him and worried look express in his eyes when he saw the light reflection inside his room, casting shadow of it as the door was slightly open.

he get up and goes inside the bathroom to wash his baby puffy face and come out with his little sleepy eye. he lazily take his shirt which was dropped on fall and dropped over his body, buttoning only few buttons lazily.

" what the hell he is doing at this late? " Jungkook worriedly muttered when he watch the time which showed 3:15am and walks out quietly to find jimin.

when jimin was having his final mental breakdown as now his tears didn't stay inside long as they start trailing down, his whole body was trembling in fear as he continue to weep silently and at this point he just wish that he could study everything or the exam can get cancel which he also know that its impossible.

his breath hitched and he quickly wiped his tears from his cheeks when he hears footsteps and cursed for waking Jungkook up.

jimin sniffs lightly when Jungkook wraps his both arms around jimin from back as he snakes his arm around his small waist, hiding his face in his neck to press his lips there, rubbing his stomach to comfort him, squeezing him along and jimin lean back on Jungkook chest.

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