𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞

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It was not a foreign thing when it came to this TV realm. The emotional and physical transformation of suffering that came with it was displayed to everyone in the real world with such grandeur. A harmless TV show for everyone to enjoy.

A show where death was not an escape.

And love...?

K i l l s



▷Yes ▷No

Yes ▷No
The flowers adorned the wooden countertop. Sally looks at it as she takes out the picture of her from within her belt. She was but an empty shell of a woman she used to be.

She touched her sack covered face as footsteps were heard from outside. Her body immediately transported away from the door, stuffing the photo right back into her belt as Kennedy came in. As soon as they locked eyes, Kennedy smiled at her. It was half hearted as she closed the door behind her.

But as soon as she did, she dropped to the floor. Kennedy grasped onto her neck as her entire body was in a fetal position. Sally teleported near her, only for a huge pang to go through her heart. Her pale hands collided with the floor as blood was seeping from her white uniform, the crimson liquid falling onto the pristine, wooden floor.


What's happening?!

Kennedy's life flashes before her as her throat seemed to be closing by an unknown force. Her body felt more heavy, as if gravity was pulling her straight into hell itself. She turned to look at the nurse, only for the woman to be coughing up blood through her sack mask as it left a permanent stain in the white sheet.

She returned her gaze to the floor, vision blurring and static clouding her pupils. Happy moments with Jason appeared and then...


Her head was on the floor, her throat tightening more at the image as she desperately tried to breath in more air. In another split second, an image of Sally choking her appeared in her head. The sensation was so agonizing and unbearable, consciousness was leaving her... Until it stopped.

The feeling... Disappeared...

She hastily breathed in the air, gasping for it as she coughed. After she wipes the stray spit on her face, Kennedy then focused on Sally. The woman herself was just sitting there in a pool of her own blood. A vacant and huge cavity in her ribs where her heart should be. Kennedy screamed at the sight.

Sally got up, a blood trail following her. "It's okay... I'm fine...", the woman said, her voice sounding rather hoarse.

"You're bleeding!", Kennedy yelled out as she coughed once again, her throat being irritated by the sudden outburst.

A white blur moves across the room. A gust of wind following soon after. The flowers swaying to the movement.

Sally hugged her, her torn dress flowing in the air as Kennedy's tears fell down her face. The blood from her open wound was seeping into Kennedy's overalls.

"I'm fine, but are you alright?", Sally said with a motherly tone filled with concern.

It's almost seemed like, she was becoming more human. Her old self.

VEINS & GUTS: 𝘼 𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 & 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡Where stories live. Discover now