𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖: 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐀𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐬

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Kennedy's body rose up from the floor, gasping for air as she looked around anxiously. The thick fog around her began to dissipate as she coughed into her arm, pushing the stray strands of hair away from her eyes. She got up apprehensively, her body still trembling as fear was still evident within her. "G-god, I will never get used to this...", she uttered.

Once she regained her balance, Kennedy began to make out her surroundings. It was another cabin, similar to the esque of her and Jason's before the incident. The furniture seemed to resemble a time long forgotten as it can only be described as furniture you would see at your grandma's place. As she walked through the wooden house, she stumbled across a tiny, yellow picture of a man and a red haired woman that laid across a coffee table. Curiousity took a hold of her as she picked it up and observed it further. Cursive letters spelling out Sally and Andrew Smithson decorated the bottom right of the photo.

As she was engrossed, a pair of translucent hands were about to grab her from the behind. Kennedy turned around just in time, looking up to meet the floating nurse's covered face once again. She looked back at the photo and looked back up, "Is this you by any chance?", she asked. The ghostly apparition floated downwards, her bare feet touching the floor. The nurse simply nodded, her saw long discarded as she held out her empty hand. Kennedy got the message, placing the picture into the palm. The nurse grasped onto it, staring at it for a while as Kennedy stood there awkwardly.

"I'm sorry about what happened last trial.... I just....", she sighed, "I can never lay a hand on them", Kennedy admitted, the nurse ripping her gaze off the picture as she fixed her stare at Kennedy. She nodded, folding the photograph and putting it in her brown belt. "S-sally...", she muttered before she was gone in a blink. Kennedy blinked out, wondering what just happened, before she figured out what that name meant. "Oh! My name is Kennedy!", she introduced herself loudly in hopes that the nurse heard her.

She exhaled loudly, turning her body towards one of the windows, finding purple flowers that looked to be Campanulas. "Now what is that god planning?".

The sun shined down on Camille's unconscious face as she squirmed, turning her body to the side. As she did, creaking was heard as a masculine groan was let out. Camille was still in a sleepy haze as she maneuvered herself more, her leg touching something hard in an effort to get more comfortable. Then her eyes shot wide open, propping herself up as she can feel a warm, soft sheet under her.

"What the?", she muttered as she looked downwards, her hand touching the bedsheets of the bed she sat on. Then she glanced at the lump next to her, finding a sleeping Quentin. She then scanned his body, looking for any visible wounds from that horrific trial. His shirt was slightly upwards, showing his stomach as she can hear him take in a breath and shift to his side. She giggled, "Thank god we got resurrected", Camille uttered as she closed her eyes in relief.

Then the bed shifted, Quentin getting up to yawn and stretch as Camille quietly watched. He rubbed his still prominent dark circles as he slowly turned to look at her, a small smile adorning his face. "Were you watching me sleep?", he chuckled as Camille's eyes widen. "Bruh, I was just checking if you were okay.", she said smiling, playfully punching his shoulder in the process. "Yeah, yeah.", Quentin said as he adjusted his clothes and got up.

"What is this place?", Camille asked. Quentin looked around, the house seemed to be a normal residential housing you would find in any elm street, even the furniture resembling the place. "Great.... I know what that god wants right now...", Camille sighed as she plopped right back down on the bed and stuffed her face into a pillow.

"What is it?", Quentin inquired.

"Long story", Camille said as her voice was muffled by the pillow.

VEINS & GUTS: 𝘼 𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 & 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡Where stories live. Discover now