Chapter 8 - The Road

Start from the beginning

When I wake up, the first thing that I realize is that I can't hear my car's engine. The other one is something that makes me almost jump out of my seat. The sound of the waves hitting the shore, and the salty smell of the ocean.
I open my eyes, but immediately close them, as the sun was way more powerful than my will to see what's going on. I take a few moments to accommodate my sight with the surroundings.
He told me he's going to wake me up before we'll arrive, but I guess he decided to let me sleep. I'm a bit upset that I've missed a drive along the coast, but as he said, sleeping will become way more important in the next period.
I open the door and get out of the car. An infinite blue was laying down at my feet, the ocean in all its majestic size was sparkling in an amazing symphony of sounds and colors. A beautiful scent is filling my lungs and I'm taking deep breaths, greedily wanting to absorb as much as possible from this incredible smell. I always loved the ocean.
Going to the beach in summer was my favorite activity, as I was feeling that is the only place where I can finally find my whole self. In the solace of a forgotten beach, just me and the sea, this is how I've spent almost all summers ever since I left home.
A seagull is screaming and I can't hold my smile. How much I used to envy these creatures. I was looking at them and always thinking that I wish I could be as free as they are, to fly all across the world without depending on anyone or anything. And here comes the day when I'm not looking at some birds with envy, the day when I don't feel myself chained by my own life, but free to fly wherever I want.
My gaze moves from the water to the farm that was a few feet away from where I was staying. A small Spanish house built at a striking distance from the edge of the cliff that we were on. There was just a small road hidden between the rocks and disappearing behind some green fields. I don't know what was the main purpose of this house when it was built, but I'm pretty sure that hiding was among the top preferences.
But I don't have time to think, as something hard hits me from the back, making me loose my balance. My face is buried in the grass and my scream is inaudible. I roll on my back, trying to fight the avalanche of white fur and saliva that was attacking me. I spit some grass, trying to breathe normally, while a giant Pyrenean dog was licking my face.
"Paloma*, come here!" a voice calls the white fur ball.
I roll my eyes. I never thought of a more misfit name for such a gracious creature.
"Paloma!" this is Juan, who finally remembered that I exist. "Leave her."
Between the licking sounds, I manage to hear footsteps approaching. The first person who called her manages to take the fur ball off of me, while Juan gives me his hand helping me to get back on my feet.
"You okay?" he asks amused.
"Yes." I reply grumpy.
I love dogs, but I'm as bad at making furry friends as I am with the human ones, and this giant snowball took me by surprise. I guess I need a bit to accommodate with a huge dog wanting to constantly jump on me and lick my face.
"Silene, this is Ander. Ander, Silene" Juan makes the introductions.
Ander is definitely a native. A white haired man, with sunburns and scars on his face, but with a huge smile. Reminds me of his dog in a way.
The man shakes my hand and I feel it so rough over mine. Paloma can't hold a bark.
"Yes, good girl." I say, trying so hard not to make a face at the naughty dog.
"Let's get inside." Ander says.
Juan takes off some grass from my clothes while we both follow Ander inside.
We enter in a nice atrium filled with evergreen rose bushes, lavender and small palm trees. There were also some herbs planted in majolica pots and stashed in a corner. But, the most beautiful thing was the multicolored mosaic fountain which was positioned in the center. I don't have much time to look at it because Ander opens one of the many doors from the atrium and stops. I want to stop too, but Juan's hand is on my back guiding me in.
The room is small, traditionally decorated with tapestries on the walls and dominated by a fireplace.
"Take a seat." he says indicating me a small sofa covered in furs.
"Juan, can you tell me what's going on?" I ask irritated, without listening to what he told me. "You said we're meeting someone trustworthy. Where's your guy?"
"He's just late." he says without looking at me. "He had no idea we're coming. Ander told him."
I sigh, not knowing what to say. The only thing that I was having was a huge feeling that something bad will happen. Juan was right, this wasn't a vacation, not anymore. I hated the fact that he's still not telling me too much about this guy and my only hope is that all my feelings are wrong. But when in history a woman's feelings were overthrown by a man's poor thought? I really hope today is the premiere because, otherwise, this will end bad.
"Juan, look at me." I say, sensing that even he was agitated. "What is it?"
When I can finally see his eyes, I realize that I'm not the only one who's feeling confused about the entire situation.
"We need fake papers to get out of the country, and this guy is the only one who can help us now."
"Do you know him?" I ask really concerned.
"Yes." he replies avoiding my glance.
"And who's this guy, Juan? Who the fuck are we meeting with?" I almost scream.
"You won't like it." he replies.
"You don't say." I snap.
"He's Sancho's brother. But listen, Silene..."
And this is the point where I can't listen anymore and I start screaming at him.
"Are you fucking mad? Oh my God, do you really wanna die? What is in your head, Juan?"
"Silene, listen to me. Listen, please."
"Ever since I met you, all I did was listen to you. You haven't told me shit about Sancho, except for the obvious that he was one of your bosses, and now look where we are." I say gesturing through the room. "In Sancho's brother's house. Remember what I did with Sancho? I put a bullet through his fucking head, Juan! I can't believe I..."
The sound of the applause is filling the room. An old man is sitting in the doorframe, with a cigar in his mouth. I guess I haven't heard him entering because I was too preoccupied to scream at Juan.
"And all I can do is congratulate you." says the man and laughs.

————————*paloma - (from Spanish) dove

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*paloma - (from Spanish) dove

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