Chapter 52 - Guns And Roses

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The car stops on a tight street in front of a small garden stashed between some old buildings. We're not far from the city center, but I've never explored this area before.
"Thank you." Juan says while opening the door.
Our driver mumbles something back that I can't understand.
I want to get out of the car, but Juan stops me, putting himself in my way.
"Do you really wanna go out dressed like this?" he asks amused.
I forgot that I was still wearing the maid clothes, but I don't care.
"Yes." I laugh.
If this is my role for the night, fine, I'll be a maid. After all, this is how we got a bunch of diamonds, so I should pay more respect to the job at least for a few more hours.
"Alright." he replies with a smile. "Then, I won't change either."
His outfit wasn't as evident as mine. Just a navy suit with a coat in the same color.
He takes my hand and helps me out of the car, then he opens the truck and takes out our backpacks and two large bags.
"Are we robbing something, mi amor?" I ask playfully.
"Mhmm." he grins. "And you're gonna love it."
"Am I?" I ask.
"Yes." he replies smiling.
"And you won't tell me." this is more like an affirmation.
"Correct." he laughs.
I take out my apron and put it in the backpack. The diamonds should be kept safely no matter what we're robbing tonight. Now I'm just wearing a blue dress and comparing to my older short skirt outfits this might be quite comfortable.
"I'm ready." I declare. "Where to?"
"Not that fast." Juan laughs. "We'll have to wait a moment until our guy will successfully deactivate the security cameras."
"Fine." I say a bit upset.
But, everything passes almost instantly when he takes my hand and heads to the small garden.
"I think we can smoke a cigarette here." he says. "I wanted to show you this place."
I can't hold my smile. I was sure it's something related to this garden ever since the car stopped here.
Juan takes out his pack of cigarettes and offers me one. Then, as always, he lights it up.
"Thank you." I say smiling, then take a seat on a small wooden bench.
He lights a cigarette for himself and joins me on the bench.
"Now, what you wanted to show me about this garden?" I ask.
"Well, everything out here was planted by me and my mother." he says with a sort of resentment in his voice. "We used to come here on the weekends and spend hours in this place."
"Oh." the story is quite touching. "I've never thought that you were into gardening."
"Well, I'm not." he laughs. "But my mom insisted that I should learn about plants too so she was taking me with her here."
"So you never liked gardening?" I ask amused.
"No, never." he smiles. "But I like this place and I thought that you will too."
"Yes, you're right, it's quite beautiful." I look at him and try to see whether he's waiting for something more from me or not. "It's nice that you got implied in something like this, helping the community and all, now robbing from it."
He doesn't laugh and I hope I didn't screw it that badly. I guess Juan is still not fully accepting what he's doing.
"You think she wouldn't be proud of you know?" I ask.
"Yes." he replies. "There are many times when I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. And, till now I haven't found the answer."
"Let ne tell you then." I say taking his hand into mine. "You are."
"How you're so sure?" he seems confused by my certainty. "According to the majority we're both doing the wrong thing."
"Yes, that's right." I sigh. "And there were moments when I asked myself the same things, but you see, I came to the conclusion that doing this is better than dying."
"Some would disagree." Juan laughs nervously. "There are a lot of thieves who end up filled with bullets because of that."
"Hey, look at me!" I exclaim. "You won't be that thief. Not on my watch. None of us will end up like that."
"Silene, a few hours ago we just decided that we'll bring a new life into this world." he says. "We can barely take care of ourselves. How we'll be able to protect our child?"
"You're having second thoughts now?" I say. "I asked you what you think at the hotel and you seemed so happy about it."
"No, I'm not having second thoughts about the kid." and he really seems certain about this. "What I'm having second thoughts about is what we're doing."
I can't hold myself from laughing. I know I don't seem too sane, but this is too funny. Juan is rather worried about being a thief than the fact that our lives might be screwed with a kid.
"You're definitely deranged!" I declare. "Are you trying to tell me that we should choose between being thieves or parents?"
"In a way." he blabbers. "But not choose. I mean, I would suggest you to take a little break from being thieves at least till the kid will be born and a few..."
"Wait, wait!" I cut him. "Are you making this up right now because of what Tatiana told you? And don't try to hide from me because I heard you. Just tell me yes or no."
"Yes." he says shyly, avoiding my look. "I think it's best if you'd rest."
I slap him hard on his face. There are no regrets, no nothing, he simply receives what he deserves.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't lie to me!" I shout.
"I'm sorry," he says ashamed like I haven't just slapped him.
"Just don't do that again." I'm not even sure if I'm angry or not on him. "You can come to me and tell me right in the face, okay?"
"Yes." Juan is looking down. "I'm just worried for you."
"I know." I take his hand. "I really appreciate that. Only, let's take the decisions together."
He looks at me and nods. I guess he's quite shocked that I haven't exploded like I used to. Truth to be told, I'm surprised by my reaction too, but I think I'm just in a weird hormonal period.
"I don't need rest," I go on. "I think I'm strong enough to carry a child and continue to do robberies with you."
"Alright." Juan smiles. "Then, you decided. But, I still believe that you should get some more rest when you'll get closer to your due date and also that, maybe you should see a doctor."
"Juan!" I exclaim amused. "Stop acting like a desperate housewife, please."
He bursts into laughter and I can't help it either, so I join him. But, our little moment is interrupted by a short beep from his phone.
"It's time to go?" I ask.
"Yes." Juan seems as excited as I am. "But first, I want you to have these."
I haven't even noticed the few roses that he took from a bush.
"I planted this bush a while ago." Juan seems a bit shy to talk about this subject. "It's the only thing that I took care of by myself and, since you like roses, I thought it would be nice if you'd have some."
"Yes, it is." I smile. "Thank you so much!"
Our anguish from before seems like a bad dream that goes away in the first second after you wake up.
I jump and kiss him, caressing his hair and slowly whispering "thank you" on his lips.
Then, after what felt like a small piece of eternity, when were two separate entities again, I take the roses and put them in my backpack. The romantic moment was over and I should get ready for the robbery without letting it to influence me.

Me Llamo Tokio (My Name Is Tokyo) - A Money Heist PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now