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Pens and Parchment Are Meant for Each Other

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Pens and Parchment Are Meant for Each Other

Sila was taking a bath as the hot summer humidity blown across the walls of her aunt's house.
The servants laved her as she scrubbed with soap.

Her marriage was to be in a month.

A servant brought a towel for the duchess.

Sila dried herself off fro the cool water.
She stepped into the chambers of her house.
Sila clasped some raiments for herself.

She still hadn't unpacked her bag fro her visit to England.
But at this point she needed those clothes.

She hauled out a random piece of garment.


A halo laid on the wood of her floors.
She stared at it.

It was the queen's halo; the one she told Sila to get.
She picked up the halo.
Sila laid the habiliments on her body then the halo upon her tress.
No reason for her to dress up today, just planning for her aunt and her uncle.
She sat down on her desk with a pen in her palm.

The air outside was hot but the air inside was cool.
She write down some words.
Nothing soothly potent just to keep her mind sharp.
The pen came into contact with the tan parchment.

The queen occupied her mind as well as her parchment.
Sila cerebrated if the queen would think of her as much she thought of the Queen of England.

Who knows?

Sila's pen plummeted to the ground.

What would the king do to Catherine?
Like the other wives?

"Oh shit."

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