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Flowers Live in Gardens

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Flowers Live in Gardens

A servant in the courtyard, lead Sila to her new sleeping chambers.
The servant didn't speak a word to Sila(much to her displeasure). But she was certain the servant was taught that.
They went via open air corridors, and closed air vestibules.
Sila saw a elfin flower garden and ivy on clay coloured brink.

Then they came to the chambers, where Sila would now be sleeping, residing her time.
The servant bowed and scurried out.

Sila watched the door rapidly but stilly.
After a few moments of just watching, she turned to the topography of the chambers.
The chambers was cleaved into two parts.
One side was slumber sector.
The second was a bijou sitting locale.
There were two chaises on both sides; about five yards from each other.
Petite tables dusted the chambers.
Then Sila perceived the triad of beds.
"Hmm. Bedfellows?" Sila glimpsed around the chambers once more.

Giggle, giggle

The fifthteen year old looked over her shoulder.

Well, that can fabricate a giggle.
There were two doors(omitting the door that lead to the corridors).
The doors were predominantly solely six inches away from one another.
She coasted across the granite floor to the doors.


The door biffed her in the facade.
Plumb in the facade.

There was a shriek gasp.
Then four hands grasped onto Sila.
Her eyes were clasped shut as a reflex from the blow.
The hands lugged her up.

"Oh. Aren't you Sila Araceil? The new lady-in-waiting." A zest full girl just a bit older than Sila herself.
"Uh, yes..." Sila unfurled her eyes and trailed off.
Then they begun to squabble.

"Oh, Madge! You can't be so impolite all the time!" One wrangled.
"I wasn't be rude!" One disputed.
"Not in front of the guest!" One clamored.
"Can all of you shut it!?" One feuded.
"Well, now we look like children." One snarked.
"Not all of us, have innocent like children." One snickered.

This went on for a bit.
And Sila kinda just sat there on the floor.
Staring at them.
Eventually they remembered that they had a new bedfellow and lady-in-waiting marrow.

"Oh! Welcome." The first girl said.
"We'll be your fellow ladies-in-waiting." The girl who screamed about being polite.
She didn't seem so malicious now.
"But first introductions. I am Mary Arundell, Countess of Sussex. But entitle me as May; we have to many, named the same." May grinned sweetly.
"I am-" "I'm Margaret Douglas! But I'm nicknamed Madge." Madge interrupted the girl whom bellowed her for being impolite.
The girl huffed at Madge, "I am Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond." Mary glared at Madge. It didn't fade Madge one bit.

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