Chapter 3

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Cab driver's P.O.V

My cab pulled up to the prison parking lot. I parked the car and helped my drunk passenger out. That's when I noticed the lights out. "Sweetie, I don't think the prison is allowed visitors right now. Why don't I drive you home?" I said, helping her back into the car. "No! I need to talk to that lying bastard." She screamed. "Miss, you can get in a lot of trouble if you cause a scene. Now, you can visit the lying bastard tomorrow. Let me drive you home." I said, quieting her down. "Fine." She muttered. I got back in the driver seat and asked for her address. After she explained how to get to her house, I started the car and made my way. A few minutes later I pulled into her driveway. It was 1:30am and it looked like my passenger was late getting home. A small women came running out of the house and helped her out of the car. "Thank you so much for driving her home." She said, handing me a $50 bill. "It's on the house. Please, keep your money." I said, handing her the money back. "Thank you so much." She said. She helped her drunk friend into the house and waved me goodbye threw the window. And I drove off.

Linzi's P.O.V

I helped Rita to her bedroom upstairs. "What happen, Rita?" I asked, pulling the covers to her neck. "I went for a few drinks." She slurred. "More like a few hundred." I said, smelling the alcohol on her breath. "I'm going to get you a glass of water, do you need anything else?" I asked, standing at the bedroom door. "No." She slurred, curling up into a ball. I went downstairs and got her some water. I went back upstairs. "Aunt Linzi, is mommy okay?" Jonah says, hugging her teddy bear. "Yeah, she's just not feeling well. I'm gonna give her some water and then I'll come tuck you in." I said, motioning for her to get in her bed. I went in Rita's room and placed the cup on her night stand. On the night stand there was a framed picture from a security camera. It was blurry, but I knew what it was. It was Johnny and her the night they met. I smiled and looked at my sleeping friend. I walked out and closed the door, not wanting Jonah to see her mom drunk. I then went across the hall to Jonah's room. "Are you ready for bed?" I asked, sitting in the chair next to her bed. "Is mommy mad at daddy?" Jonah asked. "I don't know, sweetie." I said, feeling bad for her. "Why don't I read you a story quickly?" I suggested. "Okay." She said, curling into a ball like her mother. "How about 'The Big Bear Ball'?" I asked, due to the reason of it being her favourite book. "Yay!" She said, hugging her teddy bear. I read her favourite book and then went into the spare bedroom for me to go to bed.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel bad for poor Jonah, so clueless and innocent. Btw~ 'The Big Bear Ball was also my absolute favourite story when I was little. 🐻
Anyway, thanks to all my readers and followers! You guys ROCK! 😎

Love: Grace ❤

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