Chapter 12

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(Jonah's room ⬆)

Emily's P.O.V

After we stopped at Rita's house and grabbed Jonah's stuff, we went to my place. "When will Mommy come home?" Jonah says, as I show her to her room. "Soon. Until then, you can stay in here." I say, concerned for her. "This is mine?" She asks, with excitement. "While you're here, it's all yours." I say, dropping her bags on the floor. "Now sweetie, while you're here, you have to follow my rules, okay?" I ask. "Uh-huh." She nods. "First, when I say to do something, you do it without arguing. Second, bedtime is at 7:30. Third, you have to keep your room clean. Does that sound easy?" I ask, making sure she understood. "Yup!" She says, giving me a smile. "Good. Can you unpack your bags? I can help." I ask. "Okay." We start unpacking and putting away her things. "What now, sweetie?" I ask.

Johnny's P.O.V

I ran to the closest pay phone and called my lawyer, Wren. "Wren, I think I was framed." I say as soon as he answers. "What? Johnny, you can't just say something like that without any evidence." Wren says, sleepily. "I'm serious. I never remembered killing Jake. I just pieced things together." I say, thinking of something useful to prove my innocence. "Wait, did you ever see my face in the security tape?" I ask. "Well no, but whoever it was was wearing the same clothes as you that night and your clothes had traces of Jakes blood. If you didn't kill him, how'd did that come to be?" Wren asked, yawning. "I didn't say I wasn't there. These men, they kidnapped me and shot Jake in front of me. Blood could've sprayed on me depending on the angle of the shot." I said. "Did you see this guy shoot Jake? Or what they looked like? Do you have any proof that the tape is fake?" Wren asks. I could hear him rummaging threw papers. "I didn't see him shoot Jake and I was drunk. I barely remember anything except that I have not the slightest memory of me shooting him. Yeah, I was angry and could kill him, but I wouldn't. I would never do that to Rita." I said, starting to cry. I slid in another quarter, so the phone wouldn't cut off. "Holy shit! Johnny, can you come to my place? I think you're right. We still can save your ass." Wren says. "Let me say good-bye to Rita and leave her a note in case she wakes up. I'll be there in 30 minutes. Bye." I say, scratching my neck. "Bye."

Wren's P.O.V

While looking threw my papers, I noticed something. The alleyway in which Jake was found in was about a 20 minute walk from the hotel. The tape said it was 1:30 am when the murder took place. The men were like ghosts. You never saw their faces on the tapes. And on the hotel tapes it says Johnny left with the unidentified guys at 1:27 am. There's no way that Johnny could have got there in 3 minutes, considering the men didn't drive Johnny.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it's a confusing chapter!!!! Anyway, love you all!!!

Love: Grace ❤

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