Chapter 17

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Rita's P.O.V

I carefully get out of bed and walk to the kitchen. I start making bacon and eggs, along with pancakes, French toast and cinnamon toast for Jonah. After everything was cooked, I placed it on the dining table. I walked upstairs and got Jonah and Johnny. "What are we doing up so early on a Sunday?" He asks, carrying a yawning Jonah. "I made breakfast." I said. They turn the corner and both jaws drop. "Hungry?" I ask. They nod together. We sit down at the table and start eating. After breakfast, Jonah and I went to get groceries. "Honey, you can pick out one thing, but that's it." I say. She runs to the toy aisle and I continue shopping. I kept thinking of the dream I had last night. There had to be a reason behind it. I thought back to the last time I had a night terror. It was when I was pregnant with Jonah. I grab a pregnancy test and we pay for our groceries. When we get home, Emily and Thomas, my doctor, was there. "Hey Rita." Em says. "Hey. Jonah, go play with your new toy upstairs." I say. She runs upstairs and I sit beside Johnny. "What's up?" I say, looking worried. Johnny got up and kneeled down in front of me. "Rita, I have loved you since the beginning. I am now a free man. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I will never leave you again. Rita, will you marry me?" I stand up and nod. He stands up and slides the ring on my finger. "I love you." I smash my lips to his and jump into his arms. "Hey, Johnny?" I say between kisses. "Yeah?" "I might be pregnant again." I say. He puts me down and Emily starts squealing. "You need to take a test." Johnny says, with a smile. "I picked one up." I grab the box from the bags at the door and go to the bathroom. When I walk out, Johnny was putting the groceries away and Emily was pacing the floor. "It's positive. I'm pregnant." I say. Johnny drops the container of peanut butter and runs to me. He picks me up and spins me around. "I will protect you and my family." He says, rubbing my stomach. "I know you will. You're my protecter."

Hey guys, I wasn't happy with the way I ended this chapter the first time, so I rewrote it. I may or may not write a third book. Comment what you think. Anyway, I love you all!!!! And if I'm not on Wattpad soon, Happy Holidays!!!!!!

Love: Grace ❤

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