Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"let's go, Y/N." Lapis yelled.

you struggled against her and Peridots grip, wanting to go back to the comfort of your bed in the barn.

Peridot grunted with every step she took. "come... on...Y/N! you have to!"

"no, i don't. i'm fine guys!" you yelled back.

Lapis sighed. "please, Y/N. humans are supposed to have three meals a day, at the least. you haven't eaten sunrise food, sunset food, or anything in between!"

you groaned loudly. "i eat! just not in front of you!"

Peridot made a face and glanced at Lapis. "yeah, right. i'm not a clod, i can tell when someone is lying."

you giggled at the word 'clod'. "seriously guys, i'm fine." with one final pull, you were loose of their grip. "i'm going back to bed, it's barely light out."

Steven placed a hand over his face. "are you sure she's not eating?" he said quietly.

Lapis -over the phone- sighed. "yes Steven. she's not eating. she doesn't get out of bed. she's acting like... Greg." she listed.

"wha- my dad is not depressed, he's just lazy." Steven trailed off, watching a bird fly overhead from his balcony. "you should... talk to her."

Steven knew exactly what to do, what to say, how to make you feel better.

but he couldn't do it.

he wanted to.

but he couldn't.

"i tried! me and Peridot tried to bring her to you, we know that's what she wants. she always makes a face when we mention you, and she has a schedule mapped out so she can avoid you." Lapis ranted.

okay, ow.

"you can't just bring her to me, that's horrible. if she wanted to talk to me she would." it pained him to say it, but he knew it was right. "look Lapis, just keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't hurt herself. okay?" the pink hue in Stevens eyes faded. "we... we aren't dating anymore, it's not my problem."

he winced at his own words. he could practically see the surprise in Lapis' face. she simply hung up then, and Steven turned back towards his room.

"maybe..." Jasper trailed off when she noticed the glare you were giving her. "eat something, alright?" she jutted her finger into your face and you pursed your lips.

"i am eating, oh my god!" you threw your hands up in the air.

Jasper threw another granola bar, an apple, and a spork at you. "eat. now. in front of me." she demanded.

your stomach twisted and you pushed the food away. "i'm not hungry."

truthfully, you were starving. but the anxiety and guilt consumed you and forced your mouth closed. you couldn't eat. every bite made you want to throw up.

"doubt it."

you stood up angrily, swaying a little by the sudden dizziness. "if you're gonna be a bitch, i'm leaving."

instead of backing off or apologizing she spoke again, more forcefully than before. "see? you're so weak that you can't even stand up right!"

you ignored her, beginning your trek through the forest like usual. "fuck you." you scoffed.

You kicked at the leaves and small rocks as you walked. small sighs occasionally escaped your lips, and you squinted up at the sun.

in your quiet walk, your mind drifted to the only thing you could seem to really focus on lately.


i wonder how he's doing.

he seemed so happy the last time i saw him. meanwhile i'm just some sad, mopey girl with an eating disorder.

we both fought.

we both cried.

i thought he loved me as much as i loved him

he probably planned the fight, waiting for something to really set him off so he could finally get rid of me.

and i was gullible enough to think that we actua-

your train of thought was suddenly cut when you ran into someone. you had been so distracted that you didn't notice you had already made it into town.

you landed hard on the semi-wet sidewalk;

when did it rain?

and looked up at the person who ran into you.

the one and only stood in front of you, a surprised and worried look on his face.

Steven Universe.

and he was completely pink.


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