Chapter Twenty

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you and Steven have been dating for a month now, and you had not been home once. you were starting to worry if he actually wanted you there, seeing as you were there all the time. he went back to work a couple of weeks after you became official, so staying at his house by yourself was quickly becoming super boring.

you decided to go outside and walk along the shore for some fresh air. Lion followed behind you at the beginning of the walk, but wandered off when he saw a blue lizard scurrying up the cliff wall. you looked ahead to the other side of the beach, thinking about the night you and Steven -technically- met.

you shook your head, as if to clear your thoughts literally, and kept walking.

i have a reason to stay alive now.


you kicked a shell a few feet ahead of you, taking a deep breath before looking back out at the ocean.

"hey!" a guys voice yelled from beside you. a few yards away was a group of four boys, all lounging on the sand with drinks. the way they stared at you made you uncomfortable, and you shivered before continuing walking.

"hey baby, come over here!" another guy yelled.

you ignored them, wishing Steven was here.

"we wanna talk to you!" the third yelled and the others snickered.


you flipped them off before continuing your walk. you could hear the faint pounding of footsteps on the sand, but ignored it the best you could until a hand clapped down on your shoulder.

"what?" you growled. you turned around and glared at the fourth boy. he leaned back a little, probably surprised by your hostility.

"c'mon babe, don't be like that." the first boy started again, a few feet away from the one that was holding your arm.

"i have a boyfriend, and a lion."

they all started laughing, and the third one reached for your arm. "if you touch me, i will snap your fingers off and shove them down your throat." you glared.

the boys didn't speak for a few seconds. finally, you smiled sweetly and nodded. "okay, good." you turned to walk away, but the blonde one grabbed your shoulder and spun you back around.

"come on, let's go get a drink. maybe go back to my place after..." he smirked.

before you could pop his arm out of its socket, your phone buzzed.

you held up your hand. "hold on." you held it up to your ear.

"hey N/N!" it was Steven.

you sighed happily. "hey, are you home already?"

"yeah i just got here, where are you?"

"i went for a walk on the beach. some guys are catcalling me."

Steven started panicking. "what? where are you? i'm coming." he rushed out the door and launched himself into the air, getting a look at most of the beach.

"somewhere on the other side of the boardwalk, i can see the fry shop from here."

you could hear the whooshing sound from his end of the phone, and waited patiently for him to answer.

"i guess i'll see you in a second then." you hung up.

"my boyfriends on his way. i think he has repressed anger issues, so you've got about 4 seconds to get out of here before he really does break your fingers off and shove them down your throats." you looked up just in time to see Steven land gracefully next to you, anger set into his face.

his skin glowed, and you grabbed his hand to keep him next to you.

the first boy mocked fear and the others laughed.

"you a magician or something?" the fourth boy laughed.

Steven summoned his shield and threw it at the fourth boy, sending him flying backwards towards the boardwalk. "nope." He looked at the boy, the pink fading. "i didn't mean to hit him that hard, he may need a hospital."

just then Lion padded up, sitting down between you and Steven, a lizard tail in his mouth.

the three boys walked away, but the blonde looked back and yelled when he saw Lion. the first one looked back too. "woah, what kind of dog is that?"

"shut up, Chuck."

([poorly] edited!)

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