Chapter Twenty One

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you and Steven were laying on the couch, watching a movie. his head was laying in your lap so you could fidget with his hair.

around an hour into the movie Steven looked up at you. "are you ever going to go back home?" his voice was quiet, and you furrowed your brows.

"what?" you looked down at him, hurt.

he must have realized how it sounded because he quickly sat up to face you. "i didn't mean it like that! i mean do you ever plan on going back home, because if not, why don't you just... move in here?" he covered his face with his hands after that, trying to cover the redness that was rushing to his cheeks.

"what?" you blinked in disbelief, not able to respond correctly.

"i mean, if you don't want to that's okay." Stevens voice was muffled by his hands.

"what?" you said again, this time more quietly.

Stevens voice cracked a little. "please stop saying 'what?'." you pulled his hands away from his face, leaning back when you saw tears glistening in his eyes.

you laughed softly. "why are you crying?" you pulled him into a hug. "of course i'll move here, if that's what you want. i'll need to go by their house eventually to get my clothes-"

Steven cut you off. "we can go by tomorrow! and after we can go by Little Homeworld, Amethyst said she wanted your help with something."

"my help?" you repeated, leaning back to study his face. "for what?"

"she didn't tell me what it was for, you'll just have to wait and see." Steven shrugged, but the small smirk resting on his face told you he was lying.

you sighed. "you're lying, but whatever. can we finish the movie now?"

"Steven..." you started. "please refrain from strangling my parents while you're waiting." you led him into your house quietly, praying your parents weren't home.

"i will." Steven muttered something else under his breath you couldn't quite catch though, and you sent him a warning look.

Steven stepped in after you, grimacing at the smell of beer and pizza. you were usually the one to clean up the house, so it looked like a pigsty now. there was dust everywhere, trash littered the floor, and broken glass was strewn across the coffee table.

Steven was visibly uncomfortable. "okay, let's just get your stuff so we can go."

you nodded. "i'll be right back." you started down the hall towards your room, but paused when you noticed Steven was following you. "what are you doing?"

"helping you, duh." he laughed. "i can carry stuff to the car."

"i'm just getting my clothes and some small sentimental things, it shouldn't take long."

"well i'm still coming with you, your house is scary." Steven ushered you down the hallway.

you forked your good shirts and jackets out of your closet, and took some small things off your dresser and nightstand that you wanted to keep.

you filled a suitcase and two tote bags, and handed them to Steven. you did a quick 360°, seeing if you missed anything.

"ready?" Steven placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.

you nodded and grabbed a blanket off your bed. "let's hurry and get out of here before my parents get home."

"yeah, okay." Steven grabbed the suitcase and started rolling to down the hallway, following you into the living room. "i'll go put this in the car, just a second." as soon as he stepped outside, the garage door opened and your parents walked inside.

"hey kiddo." your father muttered. he slipped past you and sat down on the couch without looking in your direction again. "where have you been?"

"i'm surprised you noticed i was gone." you muttered.

your mother gripped your shoulder to spin you around. "what's that supposed to mean?" she yelled. "i stayed up late, looking and asking around for you! we were worried sick." ...once they noticed you were gone.

it was an unspoken subtext.

you nodded slowly. "i'm sure you were. well, i'm officially moving out now, so no need to worry anymore."

panic filled your parents eyes. "why?" "where will you go?" they spoke over each other.

you looked towards the front door, yearning to just leave. "you guys suck, this house is disgusting, and i hate it here. and maybe i'll move in with my boyfriend."

your father scoffed. "boyfriend? those sure don't last long."

"i'm surprised you noticed i've had boyfriends in the past at all, seeing as you're so wrapped up in yourselves you hardly notice when i enter and leave the house!" your voice rose slightly with each word, anger filling up inside of you.

"notice you? is that what you want? because we can do that! just stay, please Y/N." your mother cried.

you rolled your eyes. "you guys don't even pay attention to me! i'm just your maid, not your child!"

"yes we do! we feed you, make sure you have a bed, a shower, a tv."

"really? so you noticed the four times i've tried to kill myself?" it sort of slipped out, and the looks on their faces made you immediately feel guilty.

a gentle hand grabbed yours, pulling you lightly towards the front door. "let's go." they whispered.


"it was nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. L/N." Steven called from the drivers seat. you couldn't help but smile at his kindness, knowing that no matter what, no matter the terrible parents, fake friends, annoying ex boyfriends, you still had Steven.

and that was enough.


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