15. i kind of like the gsa

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Iridescence is looming over the horizon

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Iridescence is looming over the horizon.

The GSA is only a few days away from the event, and the fact is more than clear what with the way the gym is jam-packed with supplies and decorations.

The entirety of the GSA is bustling around the gym, speaking eagerly. Ellie's towards the center, gesturing frantically and giving out easy directions. Monday's over to the side, and Avery's next to them, her pink twin buns bobbing as the two of them work towards hoisting up a large piece of decor.

Crossing the middle of the gym is Peter, an overflowing box of school dance paraphernalia in his hands, glasses falling down to the tip of his nose. Ms. Ingram's next to him, both discussing where to place everything in the vast expanse of the already-transforming gym.

My eyes find Lucas from the back of the gym. He's at the front, standing behind a bright colored ticket booth, smile sweet as students approach the booth. A couple leaves from the front of the booth, waving goodbye to Lucas, wide grins exchanged between them.

When they're gone, Lucas lets out a breath, that familiar lip quirk appearing on his lips, hands running through his hair. From where I am in the gym, I slide my hands into the pockets of my jeans, making my way over to him.

His eyes brighten when he sees me approaching, and while that shouldn't make an idiotic grin appear on my lips, it does. Lucas leans forward, slightly, and I nearly walk faster, finally arriving at the booth after what's felt like forever.

I lean against the booth, elbows resting on the surface, Lucas' grin widening, lips pursing playfully.

"So," I start slowly, eyes gently tracing over Lucas. "It's come to my attention that blue's your color."

"Really?" He asks, eyes still sparkling as they drop to his shirt. It's a slim-fitting one, a pale cerulean. Everything about it seems to brighten the entire space. The color's natural, really, like it was made for him.

"Yes, really," I say, voice all matter-of-fact. "Brings out your eyes." A smooth line, one that comes out softly. Nice to know that I've still got it.

"Oh," Lucas says. He brings his bottom lip beneath his teeth. Then his eyes crinkle with amusement.

"What?" I ask, half grin still appearing on my lips despite myself.

"That would've been really cute if I had blue eyes." A pause, and one of those Lucas laughs. "But, I don't."

I blink before recovering. "Who says brown eyes can't be brought out by a blue t-shirt?" 

Lucas laughs again. One of those sparkling ones. "I'll take your word for it."

"And anyways," I say, leaning forward. A cough. "I like your eyes." My voice lilts into a teasing tone, however I'm not sure how much of me is teasing and how much isn't.

"Oh my god." Lucas says, a hand mindlessly tapping on the ticket box before coming to an abrupt stop. "That's a bit homosexual, Jason." He playfully nods towards the few freshmen littered about the gym. "Not in front of the kids."

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