"I know, but you had a lot on your plate with school and club, I didn't want to add to that," I whispered into his shirt, trusting that he could still hear me. 

"Tadashi, I don't give a fuck about those if it means you suffer in silence, when it comes to you my plate is always empty," He told me, hugging me tighter to his chest. 

Then he let go. He stepped away from me, his hand finding mine, and started pulling me down the hall. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, wiping my eyes from any excess tears before someone saw. 

"To the principal, you need to tell him," Tsukki called over his shoulder. I felt my heart race as my thoughts ran wild, but I knew he was right. 

Tsukki burst through the office door, pulling me along with him. 

"We need to speak to the principal as soon as possible," He told the office lady. She glanced up at us, then back down to her computer. 

"He shouldn't have anyone in there yet, you can see if he's in his office," She offered, and Tsukki started dragging me down the hall again. He knocked hard on the office door, hearing a small "Come in" Before pushing it open. 

He pushed me into one of the office chairs in front of the principal before looking at me expectingly. 

"Whats going on here?" The principal asked and I handed over my phone with my mom's text on it. 

"I haven't been able to contact my dad all day, and my mom's started to get physical with me," I rush out, adverting my eyes to the wall while the Principal listened. 

"I see, when was the last time she hurt you physically?" The principal asked. 

"Yesterday," I choked out, noticing Tsukki's surprised face in my perhifials. 

"Was that the real reason you came over?" Tsukki asked carefully. 

"M-my dad told me to leave while he held my mom back, so I cleaned up my head before going to your house," I explain. 

"Head? She hurt your head?" Tsukki was getting angrier, and I was getting more nervous. 

"She shattered a glass cup on my head," My voice was small, but both males heard it. 

"This is much more serious than before, we will have to take legal actions now," The principal said. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears leaked out. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. 

"Yamaguchi, would you like me to inform coach Ukai?" The principal asked and I nodded. I vaugly heard a phone being picked up and some talking but I wasn't paying attention anymore. 

I stared off into space while everything sunk in. They were going to call the police on my mom. They were going to bring legal officers into this mess. My mom might go to jail, or they'll find her innocent and she'll be furious with me. 

"Tadashi!" Someone yelled in front of me. My eyes snapped into focus and I looked up to see Coach Ukai standing in front of me with Tsukki on my right side. Everyone was looking at me, worry consuming their features. 

"Sorry," I whispered, looking down at my lap in shame. 

"Don't apologize, how are you doing?" Coach asked and I scoffed at the question, letting him fill in the blanks. 

"Are you injured right now?" The principal asked from behind Coach. 

"My head is still hurt, and I have a few bruises on my arms, legs, and stomach," I explain. I saw Tsukki run a hand down his face at my words and felt more guilt squirm and wiggle in my gut. 

"Kid, why didn't you tell me?" Coach Ukai asked. 

"I-I" I stared, but ended up just closing my mouth and looking away. 

"Sir, he didn't tell anyone. I only learned this today," Tsukki spoke up. I felt tears dot my eyes, but refused to let them fall. 

"I just want to know what happened to my dad," I choke out, looking at the Principal. 

"I'll see what I can do," He said with a soft smile. I nodded, finding my fingers very enticing. 

"You know we have to go to the police with this, right?" Coach Ukai asks, his voice soft as he crouches down in front of me. I nodded my head. 

"They already said that," I sigh. 

"Tadashi, please," Tsukki tried. 

"I-I know, just, what's going to happen?" I ask, looking to Coach Ukai. 

"They'll investigate your house and we'll need to show them your injuries. Tsukishima can vouch for your injuries as he saw them in the lockerroom, and we can see if your dad can make a statement. If you're ready, I'll call them now," Coach asks, and I nod, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. 

Coach stood up and walked to the other side of the room, pulling out his phone to call the police. Tsukki took his place immediately, crouching down in front of me. His eyes looking into mine and I felt myself break down again. I leaned forward and held onto him tightly while I cried into his shoulder. 

I didn't want any of this to happen, and I knew once she started abusing me physically it was most likely going to end with the police involved, but with my dad injured or gone, on top of the fact I drug coach, Principal, and my new boyfriend into this it just made it 100 times worse. My emotions were all mixed up and I couldn't control myself. 

"Everything will be alright," Tsukki whispered, "I love you," But I couldn't hear him over the voices in my head. 

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