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Tsukki and I walked into the gym. Some of the volleyball members were doing warmups, standing in a circle. Everyone looked over at us, instantly making me uncomfortable. 

"You must be the other first years! I'm Daichi!" One of them said, walking up to us. 

"Tsukishima," Tsukki said simply. 

"Yamaguchi! Nice to meet you!" I said, picking up the niceties that Tsukki left out. 

"Come join us for warm-ups and I'll introduce you to the rest of the team," Daichi said, motioning us over to the group. 

I followed behind Tsukki, discreetly pulling my shirt away from my chest. Daichi introduced us to everyone, but something was missing. 

"You said there were other first years, where are they?" I spoke up, my voice was slightly squeaky. 

"They're having teamwork problems. Saturday you'll be playing against them to see who wins and so I can assess your personal strengths," Daichi explains, smiling softly. Tsukki didn't say anything, but I was nervous about the match. 

After practice, Tsukki and I walked through the Karasuno campus. It was dark out, but we didn't mind. Tsukki paused, looking off into the distance. I followed his gaze and spotted 2 other kids practicing volleyball in one of the open fields. I followed behind Tsukki as he stalked over to them, catching the ball before the small orange-haired kid could set it. 

"Are you guys seriously practicing out here? You must be the first years that made all that trouble on the first day," Tsukki said, looking as cool as ever. 

"T-shirts out here, aren't you cold?" I asked, not even seeing any goosebumps on their arms. Tsukki kept the ball away from the small kid, still insulting them while he did it. 

"You must be the other first years," The tall one spoke, making the shorter one mad for some reason. "Question, how tall are you?" He asked. 

I stepped forward, excitement clear on my face. "Glad you asked, Tsukki happens to be 6'2!" I said, shamelessly bragging about my friend, "He's almost 6 foot 3," 

"What's the point of you bragging about how tall I am, Tadashi?" Tsukki asked. 

"You're right, sorry Tsukki," I responded, but my smile never left. 

"You're Kageyama from Kitagawa First, aren't you? Tch, a star player like you, at a school like this?" Tsukki continued, obviously getting under his skin, but the small one only seemed more aggravated at being ignored. 

"We are not going to lose to you, do you understand me?" He said, it was almost adorable! 

"Isn't that cute. I didn't realize that little skirmish actually meant something to you, we couldn't care less about it," Tsukki continued, shocking both of them and making me a little more nervous about the match. "We're not concerned with winning or losing, but if it's that important to you two, maybe we'll just throw the game," 

"Fine, I don't care if you throw it, or work yourself to death. Cause I'm still going to win on Saturday," Kageyama said, causing Tsukki to laugh. 

"So confident! Well, that's the king for ya," 

"Hey! Don't call me that!" Kageyama snapped, anger written on his face. I knew Tsukki was treading a thin line. 

"Heh, I knew it. Rumor has it you lose your cool every time someone brings up your old nickname, but who wouldn't want to be King of the court? I mean, it really suits you, your highness," Tsukki smirked. Kageyama was shaking with rage now. 

"What is your problem!?" Kageyama yelled at Tsukki. He walked forward, the ball still in hand. 

"I saw you, you know, at the finals. I still can't believe your teammates put up with all those selfish sets you used to toss-up, I know I wouldn't," Tsukki said, tossing the ball into the air. "Oh, so that's why you're here, I bet they finally got sick of you!" Tsukki said, this time taking it too far. Kageyama turned around and grabbed Tsukki by the shirt, pulling him up slightly. 

I ran forward a little, not really knowing what to do in a situation like this. Tsukki's feet weren't off the ground, but Kageyama looked ready to hit him. "Tsukki!" I shouted, but it fell on deaf ears. Tsukki only smirked at him, causing Kageyama to give up and let go. 

"We're leaving," Kageyama said, surprising the shorter kid. 

"Running off? Guess the kings not a threat, after all, I hope his majesty puts up more of a fight on Saturday," Tsukki shot back as Kageyama retreated, throwing the ball into the air again. Before the ball landed back in Tsukki's hand, that orange kid jumped up and grabbed it out of the air, jumping way higher than what should have been normal, shocking even Tsukki. 

"Would you just shut up about the stupid king?! I'm here too!" He yelled, glaring up at Tsukki. He started picking a fight with Tsukki, but he backed down, claiming that there was no reason to fight. 

"Let's all just enjoy playing some volleyball together, it's just a game, right?" Tsukki asked, smiling down at the boy. Tsukki turned on his heel and walked away. 

"You never told us who you are!" He yelled. 

"I'm Kei Tsukishima, year 1 class 4," Tsukki said, turning to face him again. 

"I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi!" I introduced myself. 

"As of today, we are officially your new teammates, even if it doesn't feel like it. Anyway, I'm looking forward to his majesty's royal sets, see ya!" Tsukki called back, walking away for good now. I followed behind him. 

As we walked away I turned to Tsukki. 

"You didn't have to do that, you know," I said, commenting on his trash talk. 

"I needed to see what the king of the court was like, now we know," He said, his monotoned voice back. I continued to pull my shirt away from my chest, not wanting my chest visible from where the shirt lay. 

"Stop playing with that, it's fine," Tsukki said, glancing down at me. I looked to the ground as I continued walking. 

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