TLT - 6.

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Is my bestfriend really betraying me? Or is she just trying to betray me? Or is she telling her cousin good things about me, that I'm not really bad at all? Ugh! My damn mind's full of questions. -_-

But.. I just can't get mad at her because of this, right? I'd be one drama queen if I did that. I'll just talk to her properly and make things clear.

"Janine, it's not what you think-" Trish started by I cut her sentence.

"No, no. It's okay, really. And I just want to make things clear." Am I even saying it correctly? I mean, I don't want our friendship to break just because of a little thing.

Leo went closer to me and pulled my shirt. "Are you really my cousin's bestfriend? Or are you just pretending to be one? Do you think that she'll betray you just like-"

"Shut up! Why are you getting yourself involve in-"

He clenched his fists as if he's going to punch me any minute now. "You shut up! And you know what? You're overreacting! Your bestfriend NEVER betrayed you, and she never will! I hope you understand that." I was touched by his words. He's right, my bestfriend didn't and will never betray me. I'm just overreacting. I'm overthinking things.

I lowered my head and sighed in defeat. To think that I was defeated by an idiot like him. I can't believe it. Tsk, thinking about that makes me feel like a loser.

Leo went to the door, turned the door knob slowly. He looked at his right shoulder, as if he was going to say something before he leaves the room.

"And by the way, I don't feel the same."

What the heck is he talking about?


I went to 7Eleven and bought their fifteen-peso ice cream. I'm still thinking about what Leo said earlier. Maybe it's is somehow related to what they were talking about. Errr, what will I do now? Should I go ask him? No, no. I can't just casually ask him. It's not like he'll simply tell me anyway. But if I ask Trish? Maybe she didn't understood it too.. But, it's impossible that she didn't, right? I mean, they were the one talking so there's no way she didn't understand.

Ugh, there I go again! Overthinking things! I just wanna go home and lie on my bed while watching movies.

Nicolette's P.O.V

"How are you doing, Nicolette?" Auntie Rea asked while smiling.

"I'm fine, Auntie." I replied then took a bite of the sandwich I made.

She nodded as if her reply is ''that's good!''.

She stood up because her phone suddenly rang. I wonder who called her? Well, it must be her husband. Or his son/daughter, if ever she has one.

After 4 minutes, Auntie Rea went closer to me and asked her if I remembered her son, Leo.


"Buy me ice cream!" I begged like a little kid.

"Kiss me on my cheek first." He told me while pointing his cheek.

I shook my head. " If you won't buy me ice cream, I-"

He suddenly kissed me, making me cut my sentence. This kissing monster, ugh! I kissed him back. Pfft, even he's one hell of a kissing monster, I still love him. Haha corny.

"Okay, I'll buy you ice cream as a reward of the kiss!"

"Shut up! You're embarassing me!" I told him while pouting.

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