Chapter 12

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Janine's P.O.V

Results. Today.

No low scores, please.. please..

"Class, settle down now. I will be giving you your testpapers and once I call your name, come and get your testpaper." Announced Ms.Mia.

"Yes, Miss." Everyone agreed while nodding their heads.

While Ms. Mia was calling names, Leo poked me.

"What?" I asked.

He chortled.


"What's so funny?!" I asked, exasperated.

"I know you're thinking, "I wish I won't fail... Lord, help me!" Hahaha! Right? Right?!" He said, laughing.

Is he reading my mind or something?

"Ha! As if." I replied, looking at my shoulder.

Yes, I lied again.

Pardon me, Lord! I'm doing this for my sake. T^T

"Perez." Ms. Mia called.

I went to Ms.Mia to get my testpapers.

Then, I turned back, walking towards my seat.

*Views scores*

"O my." I said, my eyes widened in shock.

Leo looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Haha! Your reaction is hilarious. I bet you failed."

I cried while smiling. Tears of joy, in other words.

"Huh? Tears of joy?" He asked, tilting his head.


"Spit it out, idiot!"

"I PASSED!" I shouted with joy as I stood up, holding my testpapers and raised them.

"Eww!!!" He said, disgusted.

Eh? What's so disgusting about that?

"What do you mean "ew"?"

"It doesn't suit your character." He said as he started to laugh.

So? Is that his business?

"Anyway, the questions." He added.

Shit. I forgot. This guy has a good memory, alright.

Stay calm, Janine. Stay calm. Relax. Chill.

"Right.. Um, first," I started, clearing my throat, "why did you wrapped your hands around my neck during the class picture?"

"Oh, is it a crime?" He asked.

"No, it isn't! I'm just curious."

"It's because.. I wanna feel it again."

Huh? Anong feel?

"Feel what?" I asked as I tilt my head.

"You'll find out soon." He simply replied, then smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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